v0.44.0-beta - 2022-07-02 - Internal code restructuring
24873 commits
to master
since this release
This release mainly makes internal changes to the Framework API. If you are an end user, most of the changes are not relevant.
However, if you are a package developer, or if you have published Blade views or otherwise extended Hyde you may want to take a look as there are internal breaking changes.
- Added Hyde::makeTitle() helper, an improved version of Hyde::titleFromSlug()
- Added new helper method render() to MarkdownDocuments to compile the Markdown to HTML, fixes #109
- Added
as a class alias, allowing you to use it directly in Blade views, without having to add full namespace.
- Update default HydeFront version to v1.12.x
- Updates the codebase to use the new Hyde::makeTitle() helper
- Several internal changes to how page models are structured, #122
- Internal: Separate the MarkdownDocument into a dedicated abstract page class, #126
- Moved
to new namespaceHyde\Framework\Models\Pages\BladePage
- Moved
to new namespaceHyde\Framework\Models\Pages\MarkdownPage
- Moved
to new namespaceHyde\Framework\Models\Pages\MarkdownPost
- Moved
to new namespaceHyde\Framework\Models\Pages\DocumentationPage
- Improves how the site output directory is emptied, helping prevent accidental deletion of files #135
- The emptying of the site output directory can now be disabled by setting the new config option
to false #136
- Deprecated Hyde::titleFromSlug(), use Hyde::makeTitle() instead
- Deprecate DocumentationPage::getDocumentationOutputPath()
- Deprecate Hyde::docsIndexPath()
- Deprecate Hyde::getDocumentationOutputDirectory()
- Deprecate RegistersDefaultDirectories.php pending rename
- Deprecated CollectionService::getBladePageList, is renamed to getBladePageFiles
- Deprecated CollectionService::getMarkdownPageList, is renamed to getMarkdownPageFiles
- Deprecated CollectionService::getMarkdownPostList, is renamed to getMarkdownPostFiles
- Deprecated CollectionService::getDocumentationPageList, is renamed to getDocumentationPageFiles
- Remove unused
variable from the app layout - Removed deprecated 'hyde.site_output_path' config option (use
instead) - Remove long deprecated
service container bindings - Removed deprecated StarterFileService which was deprecated in v0.20.x
- Fix style bug #117, Hyde title helper should not capitalize non-principal words
What's Changed
- Push split monorepo directly to master branches by @caendesilva in #114
- Update default HydeFront to v1.12.x by @caendesilva in #115
- Remove unused
variable from the app layout by @caendesilva in #119 - Improve Hyde title generation helper by @caendesilva in #120
- Improve internal page model structure by @caendesilva in #122
- Refactor the CollectionService to reduce boilerplate by @caendesilva in #123
- Fix missing parent constructor call and test for UnsupportedPageTypeException.php by @caendesilva in #124
- Remove CouldNotParseDateStringException by @caendesilva in #125
- Separate the MarkdownDocument into a dedicated abstract page class by @caendesilva in #126
- Refine markdown document classes by @caendesilva in #127
- Fix static analysis issues by @caendesilva in #128
- Move page models into new Models\Pages namespace to make them more distinct from auxiliary helper models by @caendesilva in #130
- Add MarkdownPost as a class alias to make it available directly in Blade views by @caendesilva in #131
- Removed deprecated 'hyde.site_output_path' config option by @caendesilva in #132
- Remove deprecated code by @caendesilva in #133
- Update composer.lock by @caendesilva in #134
- Improves how the site output directory is emptied, helping prevent accidental deletion of files by @caendesilva in #135
- Add a configuration option to disable emptying of the output directory by @caendesilva in #136
- Change internal class member visibilities from private to protected by @caendesilva in #137
- Replace self with static by @caendesilva in #138
Full Changelog: v0.43.0-beta...v0.44.0-beta