An algorithm for evaluating the Bessel functions J_nu and Y_nu of the first and seconds kinds of nonnegative real orders and positive real arguments. It also calculates either the values of a nonoscillatory phase function and its derivative (when in the oscillatory regime) or the values of the logarithms of the functions J_nu and -Y_nu (when in the nonoscillatory regime). For the most part, it operates via a table of numerically precomputed expansions, although asymptoptic expansions are used in the cases of extremely large and extremely small arguments and series expansions are used to evaluate Bessel functions of small orders and arguments. On a typical laptop machine available circa 2017 the average time required for a single evaluation was approximately 5 x 10^(-7) seconds.
The algorithm is described in some detail in the preprint
James Bremer, "An algorithm for the numerical evaluation of Bessel function real orders and
arguments." arXiv:1705.07820.
The file bessel_eval.f90 contains an implementation of the algorithm. It uses precomputed expansions contained in the files bessel_data.bin and bessel_data16.bin. The former contains versions of the precomputed table which is accurate to roughly 16 digits of precision while the latter contains a version of the precomputed table which achieves roughly 10^(-25) digits of accuracy (when computations are perfomed using extended precision arithemtic, of course).