Godot version
v4.0.2.stable.mono.official [7a0977c]
System information
Windows 10
Issue description
When using the Visual Shader editor, if the output of a set of nodes only connects to a VaryingSetter, any Parameter nodes will fail to declare themselves in the generated code. This causes an error in the shader when the missing parameter is accessed, breaking the whole shader.
This happens in both the Vertex and Fragment functions (that I've tested) and with different types of parameters.
Steps to reproduce
To Reproduce:
- Create a new visual shader
- In one of the shader functions (for example Vertex) create a new varying with the "manage varyings" button
- Add a varying setter node and set it to the new varying
- Add a parameter node of an appropriate type and connect to the varying setter
- Click on the "show generated shader code" button, you should see the unknown identifier error
Minimal reproduction project