Issue created from fantomas-online
Original code
let action =
let msg = %httpRequestMessageWithPayload
RuntimeHelpers.fillHeaders msg %heads
async {
let! response = (%this).HttpClient.SendAsync(msg) |> Async.AwaitTask
return response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode().Content
Formatted code
let action =
<@ let msg = %httpRequestMessageWithPayload
RuntimeHelpers.fillHeaders msg %heads
async {
let! response =
|> Async.AwaitTask
return response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode().Content
} @>
Reformatted code
let action =
<@ let msg = %httpRequestMessageWithPayload
async {
let! response =
|> Async.AwaitTask
return response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode().Content
} @>
Problem description
Fantomas was not able to produce the same code after reformatting the result.
Extra information
- The formatted result breaks my code.
- The formatted result gives compiler warnings.
- I or my company would be willing to help fix this.
Fantomas master branch at 2022-04-12T06:26:27Z - 7b35c89
Default Fantomas configuration
Did you know that you can ignore files when formatting from fantomas-tool or the FAKE targets by using a .fantomasignore file?