Releases: etianl/Trouser-Streak
Trouser-Streak v1.1.8
Release for 1.21.1, 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 and 1.21 is in the zip files here, and in the 1.20.6 and 1.21 branches.
Version Update and Save/Load Chunk Options Improved
- Updated to 1.21.1
- Fixed a bug with NewerNewChunks and BaseFinder that would delete your tracing data if you enabled load data after not having it on.
- Added a function to save data to the disk from current chunk positions in RAM when enabling save data if the save data function wasn't previously enabled in NewerNewChunks and BaseFinder.
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.7
Moar Performance Upgrades n' Stuff
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
BaseFinder and NewerNewChunks Updates
- Made the OverWorld and Nether OldChunk detectors that are enabled by default use chunk sections for scanning instead of scanning the whole chunk between certain Y values. This allows us to skip scanning empty sections which may drastically improve performance with those options.
- Made removing chunk data outside of the renderdistance setting for BaseFinder and NewerNewChunks an option instead of automatically if SaveData and LoadData are disabled. It's probably not a good idea to enable this if you are saving and/or loading the chunk data.
- Found and stopped an integer that was freely increasing forever in NewerNewChunks and BaseFinder. This might improve performance maybe idk
- Replaced the usage of Strings with Paths for file locations where it was applicable in NewerNewChunks for file paths.
- Replaced usage of IO operations with NIO operations for better (and maybe more performant) file writing and loading in NewerNewChunks and BaseFinder.
New Module and A Bugfix
- Added the TrouserBlockESP module. It's just a block esp module that uses chunk sections for block scanning. I was trying to bypass antixray plugins but failed and decided just to keep this module (I was gonna try using palettes but that didn't work).
- Fixed ExplosionAura kicking you from the game.
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.6
NewChunk detection accuracy hotfix
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
- I just had to fix one line that I messed up in relation to the newchunk quantifier used for sorting out false positives from structure generation, it was not excluding empty chunks from the calculation as I had intended
Last changelog linked here because this one is tiny: Changelog
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.5
Base Hunting Performance Muchly Improved!!!
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
- Switched to reading the block positions from chunk sections so we can easily skip sections that are empty or null.
- Switching to reading chunk sections like this has also massively improved performance with BaseFinder.
- Made Saving and Loading base chunks to disk not enabled by default because it's really not necessary.
- Fixed the slider range for Sky Build Finder, it's minimum and slider range were too high meaning it couldn't be configured for all situations properly.
- Set the default for "Render-Distance(Chunks)" to 128 from 512.
- Added a function to both BaseFinder and NewerNewChunks which removes chunks from RAM if they are outside of the "Render-Distance(Chunks)" setting. This only will occur if the SaveData and LoadData settings are off (other wise it'd mess up the saved data).
- The function above may massively improve performance. I did leave SaveData and LoadData enabled by default for NewerNewChunks so you don't lose chunk data but you can disable those options to gain the benefit from this function if you want to (Or just press the Delete Chunk Data button once in a while in the options for it).
- The Palette checks for BlockStates now only happen on sections that are not empty to improve performance and reduce some false positives.
- NewerNewChunks now only checks the unique blockstates against palettes that are a BiMap Palette because those are the only kind used for new structure generation. Previously I was just checking it against every palette because my previous method reading bytes couldn't see what kind of palette it was.
- Made biome palette checking only occur in the End dimension where it's needed.
- Made the taskexecutor code gooder for loading chunk datas in both NewerNewChunks and BaseFinder.
Chunk tracing using NewerNewChunks and/or BaseFinder is now super smooth and lag free!!! (maybe)
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.4
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
NewerNewChunks and BaseFinder Performance Improvements!
- Updated the taskExecutor in NewerNewChunks to ensure all chunks are processed. This helps to eliminate the few false positives that were in association with the chunk data not loading in properly.
- Replaced the PacketByteBuf reading in NewerNewChunks with direct reading of the values we were reading by using an accessWidener in the code. This may improve performance because the client already interprets the bytes we are serializing. It also makes the code a bit more easy to interpret.
- Adjusted the min and max setting for block scanning with BaseFinder. They now are based on how many blocks above or below the current build limit in the world to start scanning blocks. This should improve performance in the nether and end dimensions because we were just scanning y-64 to y320.
- Updated the taskexecutors in NewerNewChunks and BaseFinder to use a CachedThreadPool Executor instead of SingleThreadExecutor. This way they can share their tasks if both modules are running at the same time which improves chunk loading and detection with both modules when run at the same time.
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.3
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
New Module!
- Added the Hole/TunnelFinder module which can detect 1x1 holes going straight down, and horizontal tunnels of any height. It by default ignores passable blocks such as torches or water but there is an option to have it only detect Air for holes and tunnels.
Tunnels in my single player world:
More Updates!
- Added more blocks for the Nether and Overworld old generation detectors to consider in NewerNewChunks. This will improve detection and reduce false positives in relation to their detections.
- Reduced the amount of blocks the old generation detectors for Nether and Overworld are detecting just a little to improve performance slightly in NewerNewChunks.
- Added a detector for BaseFinder for detecting Nether roof builds. If there is anything other than a red or brown mushroom at or above Y 128 in the nether it will be flagged.
- Reverted the taskExecutor for loading chunkdata for BaseFinder and NewerNewChunks back to just being single threaded because multithreading it did not actually provide any benefit.
- Added falling_block entity support for Boom+, this allows you to throw any blocks when in Creative mode at things. Fixes this issue: #43
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.2
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
NewerNewChunks Updates
- Made the code for detecting new palettes in the Overworld instead work for any dimension other than the End or Nether to make it potentially work in servers with illegal dimensions from plugins.
- Made the taskExecutor for loading chunkdata multi-threaded instead of single threaded.
- Improved NewerNewchunks performance again and optimized the code just a bit.
Color descriptions for NewerNewChunks and screenshots can be found in this release post: release post for v1.1.1
BaseFinder Updates
- Added an option enabled by default which detects un-natural bedrock placement in the Nether and Overworld. The End dimension is left out for now because of end gateways.
- Made the taskExecutor for loading chunkdata multi-threaded instead of single threaded.
- Added "Detection Y Minimum" and "Detection Y Maximum" options so you can limit where the basefinder is scanning for bases.
- Deleted the BaseFinder's ".base" command because all of it's functionalities are just in the options menu for BaseFinder (this allowed me to easily improve the BaseFinder code a bit).
- Optimized the code a bit in this module too.
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.1
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
NewerNewChunks Code Optimizations:
- Prevented color mixing. The new default chunk color format is as follows:
Red: New chunk, never loaded before.
Green: Old chunk, only loaded in 1.18 or after.
Yellow-Green: Old Generation chunk, only loaded in 1.17 or before for OVERWORLD, 1.13 or before in END, or 1.15 or before in NETHER (defined by static means, the state does not change).
Orange-Yellow: Old chunk (1.17 or before) being currently updated to 1.18 or after (defined by dynamic means, the state does change if someone visits and leaves).
- Optimized and fixed codes to make chunk detection run faster and with less lag. Made the code a bit cleaner too.
- Improved Nether and Overworld old generation chunk detectors by adding more blocks for them to detect.
- Made end old chunk detector only run it's code in the end (improve performance).
- Renamed "OlderOldChunkData.txt" to "BeingUpdatedChunkData.txt" to better represent what chunk positions it contains. To migrate that chunk data please rename the same files in this folder "TrouserStreak/NewChunks/" for each server you want to migrate the data.
- Changed module description removing the thing talking about writer index capacities because we do not use that anymore.
- Added the default color descriptions to
- Updated the .world command to more often show if the chunk is pre 1.17 generation in the Overworld.
Small persistent bugs:
- With the "Pre-1.13 Old Chunk Detector" the chunks that are old around the central end island are always marked as old because that biome is minecraft:the_end
- In the End only end islands can show if they are being updated right now from old version
- The chunks that stay loaded due to the spawn chunk region still may always show up as new for some reason.
Scroll past the screenshots below for the downloads :)
(I updated the server while still at the end of a trail for testing in the next pic)
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.1.0
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
Bestest Chunk Detection Yet!:
With the update to Minecraft version 1.13 there were new biomes introduced into the end. There used to be only one biome called "minecraft:the_end" in versions <=1.12 which we can detect.
- Added an option called "Pre 1.13 Old Chunk Detector" for the chunks described above.
- Added "Pre 1.16 Nether OldChunk Detector". This will flag chunks as having been generated in an old version if they are missing new Nether blocks.
- Added distinction for chunks that are currently being updated from versions <=1.17 from chunks that were simply generated in old versions using a new color.
- Added an option for the PaletteExploit called "Detection for chunks that haven't been explored since <=1.17", this will now mark chunks as orange if they haven't been explored since the update to a new version.
- Changed one of the options sections that contained the "Pre 1.17 OldChunk Detector" to read "Detection for chunks that were generated in old versions."
- The options in that area will flag if chunks were generated in old versions yellow in color.
- All the options for detecting if chunks were generated in old versions have been enabled. The colors will mix between if chunks are currently being updated from an old version (it will look bright yellow by default), they will not mix if the chunk was just generated in an old version but has been explored since.
- Renamed "Pre 1.17 OldChunk Detector" to "Pre 1.17 Overworld OldChunk Detector" to be more specific.
- Improved the "Pre 1.17 Overworld OldChunk Detector" by including more blocks other than just copper for it to detect.
- Adjusted the default colors to help with the new distinction.
- Updated and fixed the Readme for NewerNewchunks.
Small bugs:
- With the "Pre 1.13 Old Chunk Detector" the chunks that are old around the central end island are always marked as old because that biome is minecraft:the_end
- In the End only end islands can show if they are being updated right now from old version
- The chunks that stay loaded due to the spawn chunk region still may always show up as new for some reason.
Scroll past the screenshots below for the downloads :)
Red : new chunk, never loaded before
Green : old chunk, only loaded in 1.18 or after
Yellow-Green : old chunk, only loaded in 1.17 or before for OVERWORLD, 1.13 or before in END, or 1.15 or before in NETHER (defined by static means, the state does not change)
Orange : old chunk (1.17 or before) being currently updated to 1.18 or after (defined by dynamic means, the state does change if someone visits and leaves)
Bright Yellow: When the chunk is currently being updated from old version the orange and the green-yellow mix for a bright yellow color
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)
Trouser-Streak v1.0.9
Release for 1.21, and 1.20.6! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.6 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.6 branch.
66.6% Guaranteed Old Version Chunk Detection (End):
- Applied the method for detecting chunks in the Nether being updated from versions <=1.17 to the detection in the End dimension. This method detects if there is too many air blockstates in the Palettes within a chunk.
- These chunks being updated in the End will be highlighted the same as chunks being updated from old build limits in the Overworld and Nether.
- This only works for the end islands, you can only detect if they are being updated from old version.
Also I edited the Readme entry for AutoStaircase to contain credits directly to majorsopa for writing the original. Thank you to them if that module wasn't made I might not have got into java coding in order to make it work good
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)