A phaser game I made for the game programming class
It is nothing fancy, however, some of the mechanics in the game were developed by me, such as the lightning (which is basically masking), zombie AI and bullet hits.
You can play it here: http://minfected.azurewebsites.net/minfected/
The intro music was done by a very talented friend, Bogac Cetiner. Do find him here: https://soundcloud.com/epicsunbro, "Lones" is the track used in the game (https://soundcloud.com/epicsunbro/lones-main-menu). The metal track in the game was done by another artist that i cannot find right now, sorry! :/
Used Tiled to draw the map. Found survivor (https://opengameart.org/content/animated-top-down-survivor-player) and zombie (https://opengameart.org/content/animated-top-down-zombie) sprites on opengameart. (the tileset is also found from opengameart but couldn't find the artist right now, sorry!).