最好的汉字数字(中文数字)-阿拉伯数字转换工具。包含"点二八","负百分之四十"等众多汉语表达方法。NLP,机器人工程必备! The Best Tool of Chinese Number to Digits
More user-friendly, high performance Go Web framework. ~ 更简单易用的高性能 Go Web 框架
FastIM 一个基于Spring Boot + WebSocket + Redis,可快速开发的分布式即时通讯群聊系统。适用于直播间聊天、游戏内聊天、客服聊天等临时性群聊场景。
idiomatic codec and rpc lib for msgpack, cbor, json, etc.[Go]
Package gorilla/schema fills a struct with form values.
a simple framework base gin that you can esay to code your web server
Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures and vice versa.[Go] MessagePack encoding for Golang
[ARCHIVED] Port of perl5 File::RotateLogs to Go
Knife4j is a set of Swagger2 and OpenAPI3 All-in-one enhancement solution
Java client for the NSQ realtime distributed messaging platform
Golang package for gossip based membership and failure detection
A Gossip protocol implementation in Go. Go版本的Gossip协议实现,包含节点注册发现与元数据同步功能。
A high performance HTTP request router that scales well