Sometimes our services can only expose the 80/443 interface to provide http services, but we may need to access other services in the server, such as mysql, consul, etc. So how can we open only http/https ports and still What about services that access other ports on the server?
We can use websocket to proxy the tcp port, so that we can access all traffic based on the tcp protocol, so I wrote a go-based traffic proxy.
Get dependencies
go get
Add handler method to http route
package main
import (
func main() {
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
Client usage reference 1.3
Get server program
server.yml http2tcp_server
Edit server config vim server.yml
Host: // listening address
Port: 7889 // listening port
Path: /proxy // websocket path
Auth: 123456 // password
Run server
Client usage reference 1.3
Get client program
client.yml http2tcp_client
Edit client config vim client.yml
WebsocketServer: ws:// // ws server url
Auth: 123456 // password
Targets: // proxy list
- LocalHost: // local listening host
LocalPort: 13306 // local listening port
RemoteHost: // remote address (address accessible to the server)
RemotePort: 3306 // remote port