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Generate Test Report for feat: Reformat YouTube videos to the embeded URL Extract the YouTube video or list ID and generates the embed URL. Simplifies embedding YouTube videos by allowing one to copy paste the direct YouTube URL rather than extracting the embed URL from the <iframe> source. Also supports short links. Add "rel=0" (unless explicitly specified) to only show related videos from the same channel. #152

Generate Test Report for feat: Reformat YouTube videos to the embeded URL Extract the YouTube video or list ID and generates the embed URL. Simplifies embedding YouTube videos by allowing one to copy paste the direct YouTube URL rather than extracting the embed URL from the <iframe> source. Also supports short links. Add "rel=0" (unless explicitly specified) to only show related videos from the same channel.

Generate Test Report for feat: Reformat YouTube videos to the embeded URL Extract the YouTube video or list ID and generates the embed URL. Simplifies embedding YouTube videos by allowing one to copy paste the direct YouTube URL rather than extracting the embed URL from the <iframe> source. Also supports short links. Add "rel=0" (unless explicitly specified) to only show related videos from the same channel. #152

Workflow file for this run

name: report-test-results
run-name: Generate Test Report for ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_commit.message }}
- ci
- completed
contents: read
actions: read
checks: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' || github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'failure' }}
- name: Create Test Report
uses: dorny/test-reporter@31a54ee7ebcacc03a09ea97a7e5465a47b84aea5 # v1.9.1
id : test-reports
artifact: /^logs-(.*)/ # Name of artifact to report
name: test-results # Name of the `check run` which will be created
path: 'test/TestResults/*.trx'
reporter: dotnet-trx
fail-on-error: false
fail-on-empty: false
- name: Output message to job summary
id: output-job-summary
shell: pwsh
if: ${{ steps.test-reports.outputs.time != '0' }}
run: |
$conclusion = "${{ steps.test-reports.outputs.conclusion }}"
$passed = "${{ steps.test-reports.outputs.passed }}"
$failed = "${{ steps.test-reports.outputs.failed }}"
$skipped = "${{ steps.test-reports.outputs.skipped }}"
$time = "${{ steps.test-reports.outputs.time }}"
$url_html = "${{ steps.test-reports.outputs.url_html }}"
$content = @"
## Summary of Test Report
- **Report URL**: $url_html
| Conclusion | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
| $conclusion | $passed | $failed | $skipped | $time [ms] |
Write-Output $content >> $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
if($failed -ne '0'){
echo "::error::Test Report contains ${failed} errors."
exit 1