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Generate Test Report for feat: Reformat YouTube videos to the embeded URL Extract the YouTube video or list ID and generates the embed URL. Simplifies embedding YouTube videos by allowing one to copy paste the direct YouTube URL rather than extracting the embed URL from the <iframe> source. Also supports short links. Add "rel=0" (unless explicitly specified) to only show related videos from the same channel. #152

Generate Test Report for feat: Reformat YouTube videos to the embeded URL Extract the YouTube video or list ID and generates the embed URL. Simplifies embedding YouTube videos by allowing one to copy paste the direct YouTube URL rather than extracting the embed URL from the <iframe> source. Also supports short links. Add "rel=0" (unless explicitly specified) to only show related videos from the same channel.

Generate Test Report for feat: Reformat YouTube videos to the embeded URL Extract the YouTube video or list ID and generates the embed URL. Simplifies embedding YouTube videos by allowing one to copy paste the direct YouTube URL rather than extracting the embed URL from the <iframe> source. Also supports short links. Add "rel=0" (unless explicitly specified) to only show related videos from the same channel. #152