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Section Outline: The Profile

Last Updated: 8/30/2024 -- updated GA4 link

Table of Contents



The profile is maintained by the authenticated experience team.

Products & features

The profile provides a centralized place where users can see what information the VA knows about them, and where they can update that information as needed.

Profile product/feature Description Backend tool Backend tool contact info Responsible Team
Nametag - Full name Shows the full name for all LOA3 users. MPI #vsp-identity AE Profile
Nametag - Disability rating Shows someone's disability rating, if applicable. Lighthouse #benefits-disability-experience AE Profile
Nametag - Military info Shows someone's military branch, if applicable. VA Profile #va-profile or Mike Richard ( AE Profile
Profile Hub Main hub for linking to profile pages and content n/a n/a AE Profile
Personal information Shows full name, date of birth, preferred name, gender identity, and disability rating MPI for full name; VA Profile for gender identity and preferred name; Lighthouse for disability rating MPI (#vsp-identity); #va-profile or Mike Richard (; Lighthouse (#lighthouse-delivery-platform-support) AE Profile
Contact information Shows home and mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email address VA Profile #va-profile or Mike Richard ( AE Profile
Personal Health Care Contacts VA Profile MHV Cartogrophy Team
Military information Shows military branch(es) of service and service period(s) VA Profile #va-profile or Mike Richard ( AE Profile
Veteran Status Card The veteran status card is part of the Military Info Page #veteran-status Veteran Status Card Team
Direct deposit information Allows comp & pen payment recipients and Ch33 recipients to update their direct deposit information Lighthouse Lighthouse (#lighthouse-delivery-platform-support) or Nichole Harris ( AE Profile
Notification preferences Allows people to update whether they'd like to receive particular notifications, and in what format VA Profile #va-profile or Mike Richard ( AE Profile
Account security Allows people to verify their identity and add 2FA N/A If there is an identity-related issue, contact #vsp-identity AE Profile
Connected apps Allows people to disconect third-party apps from their account Lighthouse Carey Otto ( Lighthouse
Editing as a subtask Allows users to more seamlessly update information 'in place'. Example opening notification settings, seeing an alert that in order to receive notifications a phone number must be on file, following a link to add a number. AE Profile

Is VA Profile the same thing as the profile?

No, VA Profile and the profile are not the same thing and do not have a 1:1 relationship.

  • VA Profile: This is a backend system that was formerly known as Vet360. It came about in 2018 to act as a connector between a bunch of VA backends and frontends, so that veterans could update their info in one place and it would save everywhere (or almost everywhere). The VA Profile team is not part of the OCTO/DEPO contracts. They are an entirely separate team that we work with, and they work with a lot of other teams.
  • The profile — The profile is a section of, which you can view at with pretty much any staging user. The profile is a frontend only; we do not store any information. We rely entirely on various VA backend systems to show and save data. VA Profile is only one of them, which we currently use to show and save contact information.

Problem Statement

In a couple of sentences, describe the Who, What, Why, and Where of the challenge / pain point you seek to address.

Veteran data is a mess at the VA. It’s kept in hundreds of databases, and any given department or medical center may have access to different pieces of information. This makes it hard to understand the full picture of what the VA knows about any given Veteran/person.


"How might we... _______" statement re-framing the challenge as an opportunity.

The profile aims to solve for this by providing a centralized place that consolidates and displays the information the VA knows about a Veteran/person. It also provides paths to update information as needed, whether that is from the profile itself or outside of (eg. in instances where someone needs to change an official government record).


To provide Veterans with a central and streamlined experience when accessing their personal data and benefits and provide pathways to update and connect with other experiences

User outcomes

Desired user outcomes

Why would a user want to use this? What should users be able to do/achieve that they couldn't before?

Instead of wondering whether the VA has the correct information for a given person, they can easily check and confirm this in the profile.

Also, if they see information that is incorrect, it’s quick and easy to update information from the profile, much easier than needing to submit a paper form or having to go through a VA medical center to get information updated.

Undesired user outcomes

We don’t want to force users to go to the Profile to view/edit information if that doesn’t feel intuitive in some cases, so one risk is that we use the profile as a de facto place for all Veteran information when they don’t anticipate finding it there.

Business outcomes

Desired business outcomes

Why would your business want this to exist? With this problem solved, what should your business be able to do/achieve that they couldn't before?

The profile gives us a place to present a consolidated view of what we know about Veterans and other users instead of silo-ing it in benefit hubs.

Undesired business outcomes

We don’t want the profile to become such a de facto place for Veteran information that we ignore larger mental models and intuitive IA. Over time, we should regularly assess whether certain information actually makes sense to live in the profile, or whether that information should live elsewhere based on where Veterans and other users most anticipate finding it.


Current projects

Current projects are actively managed in the AE Profile Github project, the chart below is not as actively managed. See this page of the project for the roadmap by phase, or see this page for a classic gantt chart roadmap.

Completed projects & enhancements

Completed projects & enhancements


Project or enhancement Launch/Completion date
CICD Pipeline - Product Isolation January 2024
Profile hub MVP December 19, 2023
Authenticated Menu Updates (adding Letters and Dependents) October 4, 2023
Disability rating EVSS > Lighthouse migration September 2023
Semantic list improvements March 2023
MHV Profile research Presented to stakeholders June 2022
Updated layout and button styles for better screen reader experience July 2021
Profile 2.0 October 2020
Dashboard/Profile/Account MVPs Launch completed Spring 2018

Personal information

Project or enhancement Launch/Completion date
Personal Info page: Add full name and disability rating fields January 19, 2023
Ability to view and update preferred name and gender identity in the profile June 2022
Remove "Gender" (aka sex assigned at birth) from the profile February 2022

Contact information

Project or enhancement Launch/Completion date
Bad address indicator Launched completed October 24, 2022
Restricted character set for address fields to certain alphabetic and alphanumeric characters August 2022
Modal that asks if you want to update your mailing address when you update your home address July 2022
Remove requirement for international postal code April 2022
Remove Fax number field from the profile February 2022
Add confirmation email for contact info updates Launched June 2021
Add contact info FAQ Launched April 2021
Address validation Launch completed March 2020
Add APO/FPO/DPO options for military base addresses January 2020
VA Profile (formerly Vet360) initial integration for contact information Launch completed Summer 2018

Military information

Project or enhancement Launch/Completion date
Add DD214 link to military info page November 22, 2022
Re-integrate military information through VA Profile August 2022

Direct desposit information

Project or enhancement Launch/Completion date
Direct deposit for comp & pen EVSS > Lighthouse migration October 10, 2023
Remove conditional logic to show direct deposit section only to users who receive payments June 2022
Direct deposit for edu Launch completed April 2021
Direct deposit for comp & pen Launch completed Jan 2020

Notification preferences

Project or enhancement Launch/Completion date
Notification preferences: Default send & adding email as a channel Launched November 2023
Notification preferences: Editing as a subtask Launched November 2023
Add Board of Veteran's Appeals status update notification preference Live to 100% December 19, 2022
Notification preferences MVP Launched November 2021

Account security

Project or enhancement Launch/Completion date
Account Security: Update designs to support 508 updates Launched February 2, 2023




  • GA4 Report WIP we're rebuilding our analytics regime

Legacy GA


Data Dog




Figma files

Account Experience Figma Project containing all related AE products/features