Last updated: February 15, 2024 (removing Sketch links)
- Github labels: authenticated-experience
- Slack channel: #accountexp-authexp; #va-profile
There are several processes in the profile where editing another section or data point in a different part of the profile allows a user to access a more complete product.
As an example, if a user is missing a mobile phone number, when they navigate to the notification settings in the profile, they'll see an alert advising them to update their mobile phone number to access more of the notification settings. Instead of sending them to another section in the profile, this editing-as-a-subtask workflow can be worked in to quickly allow users to edit the missing information without a lot of navigation.
During the usability study to add email as a channel, we noticed that users were struggling with the current update flow for updating email or mobile phone when attempting to view the notification settings. The reengineered workflow reduces the cognitive load for updating data points that live elsewhere in the profile.
Related/Associated product(s)
This feature always sits between two products and allows users to "Edit as a Sub-Task".
For example, a user on the notification settings screen will see a call to action advising them of missing information. Following the CTA will allow them to begin the sub-task and they'll be prompted to enter in the missing contact information. Once submitted, the user will return them to the notifications screen.
Describe the challenge / pain point you seek to address.:
This feature aims to reduce context switching/cognitive load for end users by reimagining the way we allow users to edit-as-a-subtask. By changing the proces we hope to reduce confusion to avoid disorienting users. This ties to OCTO-DE's mission to provide tools to help veterans/personalize their online experience.
This new process avoids context switching that exists within alternative/previously existing workflows.
A user could forget what task they are working on and navigate away from the platform.
This is a way to simplify updates that reduces complexity for the end user. This update helped memory impared veterans when engaging with the site.
We'll hopefully see a reduced number of calls to the VA where users are seeking support to figure out how to update their Notification Settings.
Increased complexity for end users resulting in confusion, however, we're hopeful this change will reduce confusion.
- As of August 2023, in Personal information, there’s a link in the “bad mailing address” alert that could kick off the sub-task flow (mock-up). This will likely get moved to the Profile hub once that's launched, since that will be the profile landing apge
- The “we don’t have a mailing address” alert has a link to add an address that could kick off the sub-task flow (mock-up)
- This user flow can be kicked off from anywhere on
- A visualization of the flow is on the Mobile page of the design files linked above.
Use case documentation will be placed alongside the feature this is supporting, eg. notification settings