Dear all I found your proposal via the Reddit post, and would like to make some comments, about things that are not really correct in my opinion
While R has CRAN and Bioconductor, it doesn't have a way to install packages globally or locally via the command-line.
This statement is untrue, it is trivial to install R packages from CRAN from the command line:
Rscript -e "install.packages('qtl', repos='')"
This can be combined with the lib option to specify where the package needs to be installed (e.g. in the home folder).
Rscript -e "install.packages('qtl', lib="~/Rpacks/", repos='')"
The primary barriers for Docker are its complexity and its requirement for administrative privileges, which stunt its adoption in settings where time is limited for users and/or system administrators (e.g. academia).
It is again trivial to setup docker to allow users to use it without requiring sudo rights, see
Additionally in your proposal you plan to create 3 additional command line tools, which have to be installed by the system administrator.
Anyway, I do not really see how this project will help with reproducibility of scientific research compared to advertising people to use docker. The isolation provided by your proposed tools is paper thin (everything is in a folder in the home directory), and does not provide any real isolation from the underlying OS (e.g. the admin decides it's time for a new version of gcc, now the entire pipeline in my home folder is broken). How does this deal with packages that have gone missing (e.g. in bioconductor it happens that packages are discontinued), how does this solve compilation issues for different compiler versions, etc
Also the choice of python for implementation is sketchy to me, it again adds another dependency which needs to be installed (python is not standard on windows/macosx) and maintained (also python updates).
There are some more minor things:
(1) renv, a virtual environment manager for R; rinse, an R installation and R version manager; and (3) rut, an R utility tool for installing
the (2) is missing in front of the word rinse
Kind regards,