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Issue #5: As a user, I can specify a date format for the data I'm pro…
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* Reorganized the code to separate date processing functionality
* Updated helper texts to reflect currently selected date format
* Fixed bug where different date formats would generate different GUIDs forthe same date because of wrong date serialization before hashing
  • Loading branch information
marta- committed Oct 16, 2020
1 parent 3c5d8a1 commit 740b789
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 52 deletions.
108 changes: 56 additions & 52 deletions guids-generator.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,12 @@

const provinces = ["AB", "BC", "MB", "NB", "NL", "NS", "NT", "NU", "ON", "PE", "QC", "SK", "YT"];
const dateFormatSpecs = {

// Date processing utils

const DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = 'yyyy-MM-dd';

"yyyy-MM-dd" : {"separator" : "-", "dayIndex" : 2, "montIndex" : 1, "yearIndex" : 0},
"yyyy/MM/dd" : {"separator" : "/", "dayIndex" : 2, "montIndex" : 1, "yearIndex" : 0},
"yyyy.MM.dd" : {"separator" : ".", "dayIndex" : 2, "montIndex" : 1, "yearIndex" : 0},
Expand All @@ -99,71 +104,49 @@
"MM dd yyyy" : {"separator" : " ", "dayIndex" : 1, "montIndex" : 0, "yearIndex" : 2}

let sampleDate = {y: 2010, m: 12, d:23};
let menuEntries = {};

for (let f in dateFormatSpecs) {
let sampleDateFormatted = [0,0,0];
let specs = dateFormatSpecs[f];
sampleDateFormatted[specs.dayIndex] = sampleDate.d;
sampleDateFormatted[specs.montIndex] = sampleDate.m;
sampleDateFormatted[specs.yearIndex] = sampleDate.y;
menuEntries[f] = f + " (" + sampleDateFormatted.join(specs.separator) + ")";

function GUIDGeneratorComponent() {
const classes = useStyles();
const [ binput, setBinput ] = useState();
const [ projectId, setProjectId ] = useState(new URLSearchParams('project_id') || '');
const [ bhashes, setBhashes ] = useState({});
const [ validatedData, setValidatedData ] = useState([]);
const [ dateFormat, setDateFormat ] = useState("yyyy-MM-dd");

let onDateFormatChange = (value) => {
let parseDate = (dateText, format) => {
var date = {};
var specs = DATE_FORMAT_SPECS[format];
var components = dateText?.split(specs.separator);
if (components?.length != 3) {
// The date must have day, month, year
return null;
return {d: +components[specs.dayIndex], m: +components[specs.montIndex], y: +components[specs.yearIndex]};

let validatedateDate = (dateText) => {
let formatDate = (date, format) => {
let dateFormatted = [0,0,0];
let specs = DATE_FORMAT_SPECS[format];
dateFormatted[specs.dayIndex] = (date.d < 10 ? "0" : 0) + date.d;
dateFormatted[specs.montIndex] = (date.m < 10 ? "0" : 0) + date.m;
dateFormatted[specs.yearIndex] = date.y;
return dateFormatted.join(specs.separator);

if (!dateText) {
return false;
let validatedateDate = (dateText, format) => {

try {
var date = parseDate(dateText, format);

var splitComponents = dateText.split(dateFormatSpecs[dateFormat].separator);
if (splitComponents.length != 3) {
// The date as to be in the format dd/mm/yyyy
return false;

var day = parseInt(splitComponents[dateFormatSpecs[dateFormat].dayIndex]);
var month = parseInt(splitComponents[dateFormatSpecs[dateFormat].montIndex]);
var year = parseInt(splitComponents[dateFormatSpecs[dateFormat].yearIndex]);

if (isNaN(day) || isNaN(month) || isNaN(year)) {
// The day, month and year need to be numbers
return false;

if (day <= 0 || month <= 0 || year <= 0) {
if (!(date?.d > 0 && date.m > 0 && date.y > 0)) {
//The day, month and year need to be positive values greater than 0
return false;

if (month > 12) {
if (date.m > 12) {
// The month cannot be greater than 12
return false;

// assuming no leap year by default
var daysPerMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
if (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)) {
if (date.y % 4 == 0 && (date.y % 100 != 0 || date.y % 400 == 0)) {
// current year is a leap year
daysPerMonth[1] = 29;

if (day > daysPerMonth[month - 1]) {
if (date.d > daysPerMonth[date.m - 1]) {
// Number of days are more than those allowed for the month
return false;
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return false;

return true;
return formatDate(date, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);

let sampleDate = {y: 2010, m: 12, d:23};
let menuEntries = {};

for (let f in DATE_FORMAT_SPECS) {
menuEntries[f] = f + " (" + formatDate (sampleDate, f) + ")";

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function GUIDGeneratorComponent() {
const classes = useStyles();
const [ binput, setBinput ] = useState();
const [ projectId, setProjectId ] = useState(new URLSearchParams('project_id') || '');
const [ bhashes, setBhashes ] = useState({});
const [ validatedData, setValidatedData ] = useState([]);
const [ dateFormat, setDateFormat ] = useState(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);

let onDateFormatChange = (value) => {

// MOD 10 Check Digit algorithm
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// Validate DOB
let validateDOB = (value) => {
if (!validatedateDate(value)) {
var formattedDOB = validatedateDate(value, dateFormat);
if (!formattedDOB) {
return {"error" : "The date of birth " + value + " appears to be invalid. Please enter a correct date of birth in the format " + dateFormat};
// Replace '\' and space with '-' before encryption
return value.replace(/\\/g, '-').replace(/\s+/g, '-');
return formattedDOB;

// Validate Province code
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onChange={(event) => { setBinput(; setBhashes({}); setValidatedData([]);}}
onBlur={(event) => {validate()}}
helperText="Please enter the health card number, province code, and date of birth as YYYY-MM-DD, separated by ',' for one or more patients, one patient per line. Example:'2345678904,ON,2002-01-23'."
helperText={"Please enter the health card number, province code, and date of birth as " + dateFormat +", separated by ',' for one or more patients, one patient per line. Example:'2345678904,ON," + formatDate({y:2002, m: 1, d:23}, dateFormat) + "'."}
label="Health card number,Province code,Date of birth"
placeholder={["2345678904,ON," + formatDate({y:2002,m:1,d:23}, dateFormat), "23456789,AB,"+formatDate({y:2003,m:5,d:31}, dateFormat)].join("\n")}
startAdornment: (
<InputAdornment position="start" className={classes.binputIcon}>
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