Releases: danielgtaylor/huma
Go 1.24 omitzero
Huma now supports Go's new JSON omitzero
feature out of the box, treating it similar to the existing omitempty
in terms of making fields optional. The updated rules for optional fields now look like this:
- Start with all fields required.
- If a field has
, it is optional. - If a field has
, it is optional. - If a field has
, it is optional. - If a field has
, it is required.
See for more info.
What's Changed
- Add 'omitzero' support to mark optional fields by @JasirZaeem in #742
- docs: fix typo in groups by @shadow3x3x3 in #746
New Contributors
- @JasirZaeem made their first contribution in #742
- @shadow3x3x3 made their first contribution in #746
Full Changelog: v2.30.0...v2.31.0
A big thank you to our new sponsor:
Huma now supports groups, which port over much of the functionality from @cardinalby's excellent library (thank you for that work!). This enables creating groups of operations with the same path prefixes, middleware, operation modifiers, and transformers. Typical usage might look like this:
grp := huma.NewGroup(api, "/v1")
// Register a `GET /v1/users` route that requires auth.
huma.Get(grp, "/users", func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{}) (*UsersResponse, error) {
// ...
See for more details.
Context Unwrapping
Due to many user requests, it is now possible to "unwrap" a router-specific context into its constituent router-specific representation. Each adapter package now has an Unwrap(huma.Context) T
function that will return either a request/response pair or that router's own context type, allowing you to effectively escape Huma in router-agnostic middleware & resolvers.
You must use the same adapter package to create the API and call Unwrap
or Huma will panic!
Example usage:
router := http.NewServeMux()
api := humago.New(router, huma.DefaultConfig("My API", "1.0.0"))
api.UseMiddleware(func(ctx huma.Context, next func(huma.Context)) {
r, w := humago.Unwrap(ctx)
// Do something with the request/response.
// ...
While generally not recommended, this can help you to use router-specific middleware as you migrate large existing projects to Huma, or just escape Huma's abstractions when they no longer make sense for your use-case. Sometimes the best library is the one that gets out of the way.
See for more details.
What's Changed
- fix docs pointer by @iliadmitriev in #735
- feat: support context unwrapping by @danielgtaylor in #736
- feat: groups by @danielgtaylor in #728
- chore(deps): bump from 0.30.0 to 0.33.0 in /examples by @dependabot in #738
New Contributors
- @iliadmitriev made their first contribution in #735
Full Changelog: v2.29.0...v2.30.0
Support More Multipart Form Values
This enabled the use of fields with arbitrary types in the form which will get parsed & validated for you:
huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
OperationID: "upload-and-decode-files"
Method: http.MethodPost,
Path: "/upload",
}, func(ctx context.Context, input *struct {
RawBody huma.MultipartFormFiles[struct {
MyFile huma.FormFile `form:"file" contentType:"text/plain" required:"true"`
SomeOtherFiles []huma.FormFile `form:"other-files" contentType:"text/plain" required:"true"`
NoTagBindingFile huma.FormFile `contentType:"text/plain"`
MyGreeting string `form:"greeting", minLength:"6"`
SomeNumbers []int `form:"numbers"`
NonTaggedValuesAreIgnored string // ignored
}) (*struct{}, error) {
// ...
Better Auto-patch Support with Sub-routers
The auto-patch functionality now tries to find a common path prefix so it's possible to do stuff like this and have the generated PATCH
operation function correctly:
func main() {
router := chi.NewRouter()
router.Route("/api", apiMux())
err = http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", 8080), router)
// apiMux returns a function that initializes the API routes
func apiMux() func(chi.Router) {
return func(router chi.Router) {
humaConfig := huma.DefaultConfig("API", "dev")
humaConfig = openapi.WithAuthSchemes(humaConfig)
humaConfig = openapi.WithOverviewDoc(humaConfig)
humaConfig = openapi.WithServers(humaConfig, config)
api := humachi.New(router, humaConfig)
huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
Method: "GET",
Path: "/ressources/{id}",
}, getRessourceByID)
huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
Method: "PUT",
Path: "/ressources/{id}",
}, updateRessourceByID)
Custom Param Type Enhancements
Two new interfaces enable some additional advanced customization enhancements when creating operation input parameters:
type ParamWrapper interface {
Receiver() reflect.Value
type ParamReactor interface {
OnParamSet(isSet bool, parsed any)
These can be used like so:
type OptionalParam[T any] struct {
Value T
IsSet bool
// Define schema to use wrapped type
func (o OptionalParam[T]) Schema(r huma.Registry) *huma.Schema {
return huma.SchemaFromType(r, reflect.TypeOf(o.Value))
// Expose wrapped value to receive parsed value from Huma
// MUST have pointer receiver
func (o *OptionalParam[T]) Receiver() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(o).Elem().Field(0)
// React to request param being parsed to update internal state
// MUST have pointer receiver
func (o *OptionalParam[T]) OnParamSet(isSet bool, parsed any) {
o.IsSet = isSet
Fix Panic from External Schema
It's possible to use the default schema transformers now with custom external schemas without causing a panic. For example:
Responses: map[string]*huma.Response{
"200": {
Content: map[string]*huma.MediaType{
"application/json": {
Schema: &huma.Schema{
Ref: "",
Note: external schemas are not validated and are just there for informational purposes and to help with client generation.
Fiber Fixes
A major rework of the humafiber
adapter was done in #725. This ensures tests are run with the -race
detector and fixes a race that was present in the Fiber adapter. It should be much more stable now.
Deep Object Support for Params
Params now support the OpenAPI deepObject
style, enabling e.g. query params to send structured input in that style.
// GreetingOutput represents the greeting operation response.
type GreetingOutput struct {
Body struct {
Person Person `json:"person"`
Map map[string]string `json:"map"`
type Person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age,omitempty" default:"20"`
Birthday string `json:"birthday,omitempty"`
func main() {
// Create a new router & API
router := chi.NewMux()
api := humachi.New(router, huma.DefaultConfig("My API", "1.0.0"))
// Register GET /greeting
huma.Get(api, "/greeting", func(ctx context.Context, input *struct {
Person Person `query:"person,deepObject"`
Map map[string]string `query:"map,deepObject"`
}) (*GreetingOutput, error) {
out := &GreetingOutput{}
out.Body.Person = input.Person
out.Body.Map = input.Map
return out, nil
// Start the server!
http.ListenAndServe("", router)
Example request:
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json, application/problem+json'
Other fixes
- Prevent double validation errors
- Stop Huma from overwriting a custom request body schema when a
field is present.
What's Changed
- Update by @NeroBlackstone in #710
- Update by @NeroBlackstone in #712
- feat: allow arbitrary fields in MultipartFormFiles by @b-kamphorst in #706
- fix: double validation errors by @skwair in #718
- fix: implement findRelativeRessourcePath function to fix PatchResourc… by @froz42 in #714
- feat: custom query parameter types by @lsdch in #722
- fix: allow providing a custom request schema by @danielgtaylor in #727
- fix: do not panic when encountering external schemas by @danielgtaylor in #729
- fixed work with fiber.Ctx, fiber.UserContext - fixed graceful shutdown and race condition on access to huma.Context outside handler by @excavador in #725
- feat: add example for type renaming by @shakhzodkudratov in #731
- chore(deps): bump from 0.30.0 to 0.33.0 by @dependabot in #732
- feat: param query support deepObject style by @fourcels in #711
New Contributors
- @NeroBlackstone made their first contribution in #710
- @skwair made their first contribution in #718
- @froz42 made their first contribution in #714
- @shakhzodkudratov made their first contribution in #731
Full Changelog: v2.28.0...v2.29.0
Upgraded Documentation
Stoplight Elements has been upgraded to the latest version.
- Fixed two important memory access issues (body race & Fiber context).
- Additional docs & examples added ❤️
- Major refactor of some of the codebase to make future changes easier.
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump from 0.28.0 to 0.31.0 by @dependabot in #676
- fix: useless assertion in TestFeatures/response-image by @alexandear in #677
- fix: potential body error race by @danielgtaylor in #687
- feat: upgrade to Stoplight Elements latest by @fourcels in #689
- fix: adapters/humafiber - prevent to use *fiber.Ctx and *fasthttp.RequestCtx outside handler, fixes #686 by @excavador in #693
- Fix examples by @alexandermyasnikov in #696
- docs: describe MultipartFormFiles by @b-kamphorst in #704
- refactor: split up huma.Register by @b-kamphorst in #705
New Contributors
- @alexandermyasnikov made their first contribution in #696
- @b-kamphorst made their first contribution in #704
Full Changelog: v2.27.0...v2.28.0
A big thank you to our new sponsors:
Consider sponsoring the project!
Write Errors & Warnings to Stderr
When writing custom commands that output to stdout, sometimes an error or warning can be generated by Huma, which could add unwanted output to stdout. This has been updated to use stderr so it is easier to differentiate. This is useful for an openapi
command that dumps the OpenAPI document to stdout as it is now safe to redirect it to a file even if warnings are generated.
Better Handling of Embedded Header Fields
When headers are embedded in the output struct they are now properly referenced in the documentation and the parent embedded struct itself is ignored (previously it would include the headers twice). For example, this now works as expected:
// PaginationOutput contains reusable response headers
// for implementing pagination
type PaginationOutput struct {
Link string `header:"Link" doc:"HTTP links for e.g. pagination"`
Cursor string `header:"Cursor" doc:"Identifier that can be used to paginate. If the value is empty then there are no more pages to iterate over."`
// list_slates.go
type listSlateResponse struct {
Body []listSlateBody
Fiber UserContext
When using the Fiber adapter and getting items from the context it now first checks Fiber's UserContext
before checking the underlying context for the value. This makes Huma easier to use with Fiber and Fiber-specific middleware. No change in behavior is needed, things should Just Work™️.
Remove Chi From Tests
The code has been refactored to remove reliance on Chi for the tests, simplifying the project overall and relying more on the standard library.
Fix Operation Callbacks
Operation callbacks mistakenly used the wrong type of map[string]*PathItem
when it should really have been map[string]map[string]*PathItem
instead. The structure should look something like this, which is now supported properly to document asynchronous callbacks that your operation supports:
requestBody: # Contents of the callback message
Better Support for Embedded RawBody Field
It's now possible to embed the RawBody
field and have things work. For example:
type RequestHeader struct {
Test string `header:"Test"`
type EmbedGreeting struct {
RawBody multipart.Form
type AnotherGreetingInput struct {
Now Updates OpenAPI
If an operation output implements ContentTypeFilter
, then this will be called with the default value application/json
and the result used to build the OpenAPI document. For example this will result in application/ld+json
in the OpenAPI rather than application/json
type Response struct {
Message string `json:"message" doc:"The message."`
func (r *Response) ContentType(t string) string {
return "application/ld+json"
type Output struct {
Body Response
Other Fixes
- Various doc fixes / improvements
- New linters enabled for better code quality
What's Changed
- fix: write errors/warnings to stderr rather than stdout by @sm3142 in #651
- Exclude embedded fields in response header docs by @lucaspopp-wbd in #656
- Propagate fiberCtx.UserContext() to huma.Context - Context() by @excavador in #659
- Chi is a dep even for pure go implementations, refactor its usage in the main package to pure go. by @fwilkerson in #661
- fix: operation callbacks shape by @danielgtaylor in #665
- feat: support embedded raw body fields by @danielgtaylor in #666
- fix: body with ContentTypeFilter should update OpenAPI by @danielgtaylor in #667
- fix mermaid rendering issue by @ssoroka-tc in #668
- docs: fix typos in by @alexandear in #671
- chore: enable unconvert and tenv linters by @alexandear in #672
- refactor: simplify error handling for multipart form reading by @alexandear in #673
New Contributors
- @sm3142 made their first contribution in #651
- @excavador made their first contribution in #659
- @fwilkerson made their first contribution in #661
Full Changelog: v2.26.0...v2.27.0
Better Marking of Visited Types
When looking for params, headers, defaults, and resolvers the Huma type traversal code now tracks previously visited types more narrowly, continuing to detect recursive loops while allowing multiple adjacent fields to use the same type. Before this fix it would ignore some fields. For example, this now works propertly to run the resolver on both HomeAddress
and AwayAddress
type Address struct {
Line1 string `json:"line1" required:"true" minLength:"1" maxLength:"50"`
Line2 string `json:"line2,omitempty" required:"false" minLength:"0" maxLength:"50" default:""`
City string `json:"city" required:"true" minLength:"1" maxLength:"64"`
State string `json:"state" required:"true" minLength:"1" maxLength:"32"`
Zip string `json:"zip" required:"true" minLength:"1" maxLength:"16"`
CountryCode string `json:"countryCode" required:"false" minLength:"1" maxLength:"2" default:"US"`
func (a Address) Resolve(_ huma.Context, prefix *huma.PathBuffer) []error {
/* ... do stuff ... */
type TestRequestBody struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
HomeAddress Address `json:"home" required:"true"`
AwayAddress Address `json:"away" required:"true"`
More Resilient Fast Q Value Selection
Several minor bugs have been fixed in the fast zero-allocation q
value parsing for client-based content negotiation via the Accept
header. Values like a;,
no longer cause a panic. Several new tests were added to ensure robustness.
No Longer Panic From Client Disconnect
When a client disconnects and a write to the socket results in an error, we now check if the context is context.Canceled
and ignore it. This should not result in a panic as that has a negative impact on metrics and perceived service health. An attempt is made to tell the huma.Context
that the response status code should be 499 Client Disconnected to help with metrics/logging middleware.
- Fixed doc bug
- Minor fix when printing response bodies in tests if JSON indenting fails
- Refactored code for sending responses to be more consistent & re-used between the handlers and
and ensureNewErrorWithContext
is used everywhere. This should be a no-op for library users.
What's Changed
- fix: doc comments for TestAPI functions by @alexandear in #644
- fix: marking visited types in findInType by @danielgtaylor in #641
- fix: make content negotiation more resilient to bad input by @danielgtaylor in #645
- fix: dump body directly if json indent fails by @danielgtaylor in #643
- refactor: use WriteErr function for handling error returned by handler by @notjustmoney in #640
- fix: do not panic on client disconnect by @danielgtaylor in #650
New Contributors
- @notjustmoney made their first contribution in #640
Full Changelog: v2.25.0...v2.26.0
Case-insensitive JSON
Since the standard library Go unmarshaler supports case-insensitive field matches, Huma has been updated to support this during validation as well to better support integration with legacy systems & clients. This behavior can be disabled by explicitly setting huma.ValidateStrictCasing = true
(the default matches the standard library behavior). For example, given:
huma.Put(api, "/demo", func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{
Body struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
}) (*struct{}, error) {
fmt.Println("Value is", input.Body.Value)
return nil, nil
If a client were to send {"Value": "test"}
instead of {"value": "test"}
it will now pass validation and work. This also works for the built-in CBOR format as well.
Support Scalar Pointers with Defaults
Defaults have become more useful by enabling the use of pointers for basic types to have default values attached. For example, given this input to an operation:
type MyInput struct {
Body struct {
Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" default:"true"`
It's now possible to explicitly send false
without the value being overridden by the default. The behavior seen by the handler code is this:
Client sends | Handler sees |
true |
true |
false |
false |
null / undefined |
true |
Since this is using the built-in mechanism to determine if a value was sent, there is no additional performance penalty for setting the default values in Huma.
What's Changed
- Update by @alexanderilyin in #619
- docs: fix YAML command example by @danielgtaylor in #624
- feat: case-insensitive field matching for JSON/CBOR by @danielgtaylor in #629
- feat: allow scalar pointers with defaults by @danielgtaylor in #633
- Update by @MaximeWeyl in #637
New Contributors
- @MaximeWeyl made their first contribution in #637
Full Changelog: v2.24.0...v2.25.0
Better Support of String Subtype Slice Params
It's now possible to use types based on string
like you commonly see for enumerations as slice inputs to Huma operations.
type MyEnum string
const (
Value1 MyEnum = "value1"
Value2 MyEnum = "value2"
// ...
huma.Get(api, "/example", func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{
Example []MyEnum `query:"example" enum:"value1,value2"`
}) (*struct{}, error) {
// ...
Better Support of non-Object Refs
Fixes a bug that prevented deliberate refs of nullable non-objects from being used due to a panic. It's now possible to do something like this to automatically add enum values from a type when generating the schema and use a $ref
in the JSON Schema:
type InstitutionKind string
const (
Lab InstitutionKind = "Lab"
FoundingAgency InstitutionKind = "FundingAgency"
SequencingPlatform InstitutionKind = "SequencingPlatform"
Other InstitutionKind = "Other"
var InstitutionKindValues = []InstitutionKind{
// Register enum in OpenAPI specification
func (u InstitutionKind) Schema(r huma.Registry) *huma.Schema {
if r.Map()["InstitutionKind"] == nil {
schemaRef := r.Schema(reflect.TypeOf(""), false, "InstitutionKind")
schemaRef.Title = "InstitutionKind"
for _, v := range InstitutionKindValues {
schemaRef.Enum = append(schemaRef.Enum, string(v))
r.Map()["InstitutionKind"] = schemaRef
return &huma.Schema{Ref: "#/components/schemas/InstitutionKind"}
Fix Empty Security Marshaling
The empty security object has semantic meaning in OpenAPI 3.x which enables you to override a global security setting to make one or more operations public. It's now possible to do so:
huma.Register(api, huma.Operation{
OperationID: "GetUser",
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/user/{id}",
Security: []map[string][]string{}, // This will not require security!
}, func(ctx context.Context, input *GetUserInput) (*GetUserOutput, error) {
resp := &GetUserOutput{}
resp.Body.Message = "GetUser with ID: " + input.ID + " works!"
return resp, nil
Expanded Adapter Interface
The huma.Adapter
interface now has methods for getting the HTTP version and TLS info of the incoming request, which enables better tracing middleware using e.g. OpenTelemetry.
Schema Transformers Automatically Call schema.PrecomputeMessages()
Schema transformers may modify the schema in ways that precomputed messages & validation cache data are no longer valid. This change makes sure to recompute them if the schema has been modified, preventing potential panics.
Configurable Array Nullability
Huma v2.20.0 introduced nullable JSON Schema arrays for Go slices due to the default behavior of Go's JSON marshaler. This change resulted in some clients (e.g. Typescript) now needing to do extra checks even when the service is sure it will never return a nil
slice. This release includes a way to change the global default Huma behavior by setting huma.DefaultArrayNullable = false
. It is still possible to set nullable
on each field to override this behavior, but now it is easier to do so globally for those who wish to use the old (arguably less correct) behavior.
Better SSE Support
This release includes some http.ResponseController
behavior to unwrap response writers to try and get access to SetWriteDeadline
and Flush
methods on response writers. This prevents error messages from being dumped into the console and enables Gin SSE support for the first time with the Huma sse
package. Most routers should Just Work ™️ with SSE now.
Read-Only & Write-Only Behavior Clarification
The read and write-only behavior of Huma validation has been clarified in the docs. See to ensure it works as you expect.
What's Changed
- Fix typo in by @j0urneyK in #591
- refactor: use type switch instead of if-else by @alexandear in #595
- chore: enable dupword; fix appeared lint issues by @alexandear in #598
- docs: fix typos in docs, comments, and tests by @alexandear in #596
- fix: panic - allow for parameters to be subtype of string by @hlavavit in #592
- fix: check actual type in schema ref when enforcing non-nullable object schemas by @lsdch in #599
- fix: dependency upgrades, fixes #569 by @danielgtaylor in #601
- docs: add new testimonial to README by @danielgtaylor in #602
- fix: marshal empty security object by @danielgtaylor in #603
- docs: add info about read/write only behavior by @danielgtaylor in #608
- docs: add note about required write-only field by @danielgtaylor in #609
- Add api version and tls to adapter by @fntz in #610
- fix: recompute property names after schema transform by @danielgtaylor in #611
- fix: make nullable arrays configurable by @danielgtaylor in #612
- Update by @alexanderilyin in #615
- feat: unwrap resp for better deadline/flush SSE support by @danielgtaylor in #613
New Contributors
- @j0urneyK made their first contribution in #591
- @alexandear made their first contribution in #595
- @hlavavit made their first contribution in #592
- @fntz made their first contribution in #610
- @alexanderilyin made their first contribution in #615
Full Changelog: v2.23.0...v2.24.0
Pointers for Non-Param Fields
It's now possible to use pointers for non-param fields in input structs without Huma complaining. For example, here the User
is not a path/query/header param and is populated from the Authorization
header value for use later:
type EndpointInput struct {
Token string `header:"Authorization"`
User *User
func (i *EndpointInput) Resolve(ctx huma.Context) []error {
user, token_valid := ValidateToken(i.Token) // user is nil if token is missing or invalid
i.User = user
return nil
Hidden Field Validation
Hidden fields are now validated properly if they are present in the input. For example:
huma.Put(api, "/demo", func(ctx context.Context, input *struct{
Body struct {
Field1 string `json:"field1"
Field2 int `json:"field2" hidden:"true" minimum:"10"`
}) (*MyResponse, error) {
// If `input.Field2` is sent by the client, the request will fail
// if its value is below 10 due to the validation schema.
return &MyResponse{...}, nil
Prevent Overwriting Schema Validations
All validations now take the existing value of the validator as input when generating the schema, which means a SchemaProvider
or SchemaTransformer
output won't get overwritten when generating schemas. This fixes a bug that was partially fixed but missed several important fields like pattern
Non-Addressable Resolver
It's now possible to use non-addressable types which implement Resolver
, such as custom primitive types as map keys. This is currently a little less efficient as a pointer to the type needs to be generated, but at least it is now possible and performance can be improved in the future.
Use the Status Code from NewError
When providing your own custom huma.NewError
function, the resulting error's status code was ignored. This has been fixed to be used as the output status code, enabling the function to modify the status code before going out on the wire.
NewError with a Context
It's now possible to replace huma.NewErrorWithContext
so your error generation function has access to the underlying request context.
NewWithPrefix & Servers
When using humago.NewWithPrefix
and not providing any servers, a single server entry is now generated for you with the given prefix.
Support url.URL
You can now use a URL as an input path/query/header parameter and it will be parsed/validated for you.
Request Body Generation Improvements
Like response body generation, the request body generation has been improved to generate missing pieces of the body OpenAPI structure. This enables you to easily e.g. add a description but have Huma still generate the JSON Schema for you. Example:
func (tr TEERouter) RegisterRoutes(api huma.API) {
operation := huma.Operation{
Method: http.MethodPost,
Path: "/tee",
Summary: "TEE",
Description: "TEE description",
RequestBody: &huma.RequestBody{
Description: "My custom request schema",
huma.Register(api, operation, tr.CalculateTEE)
What's Changed
- Allow using pointers for non param fields in input structs by @lsdch in #565
- fix: validate hidden fields by @danielgtaylor in #573
- fix: prevent overwriting schema validations by @danielgtaylor in #575
- fix: support non-addressable resolver values by @danielgtaylor in #580
- fix: use status code returned from NewError when writing errors by @danielgtaylor in #581
- add NewErrorWithContext by @nunoo in #582
- Add default Server object when calling humago.NewWithPrefix by @yursan9 in #579
- fix: unsupported param type url.URL by @ddl-ebrown in #584
- fix: allow setting request description and still gen schema by @danielgtaylor in #587
New Contributors
- @yursan9 made their first contribution in #579
- @ddl-ebrown made their first contribution in #584
Full Changelog: v2.22.1...v2.23.0
What's Changed
- fix: reset recovery middleware buffer by @danielgtaylor in #572
Full Changelog: v1.14.2...v1.14.3