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alternate Libint2 #15




tl;dr I've got a Libint that has been more fully configured and has some code extensions, but it's (1) unlikely to get merged into master soon and (2) needed to add another package to conda-forge. I hope to come to some arrangement where it can be supported without interfering with this feedstock and its dependents too much.

Hi @felipeZ, thanks for working on this project. For background, I've been packaging Libint1 and Libint2 for several years for the psi4 channel and project (packages: ; recipe: As you're familiar, different libint consumers need different minimum integrals classes, AM, and derivative settings, and worse, different libint consumers need different integrals orderings (evaleev/libint#190). Psi4 has been one of those outliers that can't use default orderings. Sporadically, I've been working on some cmake upgrades at evaleev/libint#259 and have also added some functionality so that orderings-wise at least all open-source projects consuming libint can use the same built library. With this, Psi4 has a chance to be on conda-forge. Prof. Valeev approves of all this in principle -- some of the PR is his work, and we also discussed next steps in person last year -- but he's so busy that I don't think he'll get to reviewing and merging it in the months timeframe.

The library source code is generated with the following conditions. Summarized, all orderings are standard, ints through second derivative are included for onebody and for 4-, 3-, and 2-center ERIs, ints through first derivative are included for F12 methods, ERIs are through AM=5 for energies, AM=4 for gradients, and AM=3 for Hessians. This has been a reasonable configuration for distribution for a couple years. It builds on CI in 2.5/2/6 hours for L/M/W.

    -D LIBINT2_SHELL_SET=standard 
    -D ENABLE_ERI=2 
    -D ENABLE_ERI3=2 
    -D ENABLE_ERI2=2 
    -D ENABLE_G12=1 
    -D WITH_G12_MAX_AM=4 
    -D WITH_ERI_MAX_AM="5;4;3" 
    -D WITH_ERI3_MAX_AM="6;5;4" 
    -D WITH_ERI2_MAX_AM="6;5;4" 
    -D WITH_MAX_AM="6;5;4"

I've got a PR at staged-recipes going with Linux, Mac, and Windows builds (conda-forge/staged-recipes#22060).

Putting these packages on conda-forge at all is questionable because the source isn't on upstream master. But I'm going to propose it anyways. I can think of two routes: (1) Use the project name "libint2" and merge the PR from staged-recipes into a separate feedstock. (2) Have a different branch in this repo so that both branches build and produce packages. I'd have to put a fake and old version on it so that the solver isn't tempted to use it in preference to your packages. Ultimately, I expect the cmake and ordering changes to be merged into Libint, and then psi4 can use a future version of this repo, after all downstreams reach an agreement on a useable configuration.

So, sorry for the long description. I wanted to consult with you early so as to not step on your toes as maintainer. Any opinions, preferences, questions? Thanks for considering!



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