These scripts are intended for use with a cluster running Grid Engine and Environment Modules. They may also be run as standalone bash scripts using bash
instead of qsub
qsub [qsub flags] make_ucsc_references.qsub
[options] -b|--build [UCSC genome build]
-b, --build UCSC genome build (e.g., hg38, mm10, etc.)
-o, --output-path Path where output will be written (will be created if it does not exist)
(Default: ./[UCSC genome build]/)
Note: this script calls a wrapper script named picard
that calls Java with the picard.jar
file and 2GB maximum heap size.
qsub [qsub flags] make_ncbi_assembly_references.qsub [options]
-a|--assembly [assembly name]
-n|--ncbi [NCBI accession]
-a, --assembly genome assembly name (e.g., 'A_J_v1', 'MesAur1.0')
-n, --ncbi NCBI accession (e.g., 'GCA_001624215.1', 'GCF_000349665.1')
-o, --output-path Path where output will be written (will be created if it does not exist)
(Default: ./[assembly name]/)
Note: this script calls a wrapper script named picard
that calls Java with the picard.jar
file and 2GB maximum heap size.
qsub [qsub flags] generate_star_genomes.qsub [options]
-r|--reference [reference name]
-f|--fasta-path [Path to FASTA files]
-r, --reference Reference name
(e.g., hg38, mm10, bosTau9, MesAur1.0, etc.)
-f, --fasta-path Path to FASTA input files
(i.e., path containing 'base' folder, etc.)
-o, --output-path Path where output will be written (will be created if it does not exist)
(Default: ./[STAR version]/[reference name]/)
-s, --star-version Version of STAR to use
(if omitted, default STAR version is used)