Analysis framework for cms top quark charge asymmetry
This repository contains software for performing the charge asymmetry analysis in CMS. There are two main directories:
- Genesis
- Originally developed here as
. - This framework generates flat ntuples from MiniAOD.
- Originally developed here as
- CyMiniAna
- Originally developed here.
- This is the local analysis framework that processes flat ntuples and produces TTrees/histograms/efficiencies/etc.
Additionally, submodules for hepPlotter, asimov, and cheetah are also included in this project.
Create a CMSSW environment:
cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_4
cd CMSSW_9_4_4/src
Check out necessary packages (including this one):
### 2016 ###
# VID (Electron ID)
git cms-addpkg RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification
git cms-addpkg PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils
### 2017 ###
# Updated Egamma IDs (creates RecoEgamma and PhysicsTools directories)
git cms-merge-topic lsoffi:CMSSW_9_4_0_pre3_TnP
# BEST (top vs qcd tagging)
git clone -b 94X
# LWTNN (running BEST in c++)
mkdir lwtnn
git clone -b CMSSW_8_0_X-compatible lwtnn/lwtnn
## This framework
# without the submodules:
git clone # you need to manually fetch hepPlotter, asimov, & cheetah
# with the submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Once everything is checked out, compile!
scram b -j8
To set the environment anytime you open a new session:
source setup.csh # ALWAYS DO THIS FIRST! (initializes everything)
Please submit an issue or a PR.