Skim code setup for producing Ntuples for ttbar charge asymmetry analysis.
The framework is setup for running at the LPC, and saving ntuples to the LPC Tier3.
Check out CMSSW release:
cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_4
cd CMSSW_9_4_4/src
git cms-init
Next, checkout BESTProducer and other necessary packages.
There are two distinct sets of instructions depending on which dataset you will be processing. These only differ for the EGamma dependencies:
### 2016 ###
# VID (Electron ID)
git cms-addpkg RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification
git cms-addpkg PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils
### 2017 ###
# Updated Egamma IDs (creates RecoEgamma and PhysicsTools directories)
git cms-merge-topic lsoffi:CMSSW_9_4_0_pre3_TnP
### COMMON ###
# BEST (top vs qcd tagging)
git clone -b 94X
# LWTNN (running BEST in c++)
mkdir lwtnn
git clone -b CMSSW_8_0_X-compatible lwtnn/lwtnn
# Analysis code -- now linked with this repository
mkdir Analysis
git clone Analysis/CyMiniAna
git clone
scram b -j8
Instructions for producing flat Ntuples with BEST tagger inputs.
cd ttbarAC_skim/ttbarAC_skim/test
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
source /cvmfs/
To submit crab jobs, the script
is processed using the cmsRun
There are two options for submitting crab jobs, (1) submit many jobs at once or (2) submit jobs manually one at a time.
Write a text file that contains the datasets you would like to process, see test/crab_datasets-data.txt
and test/crab_datasets-mc.txt
as examples (or you can use these files).
Then, execute the script with your datsets text file as a command-line argument:
python <datasets.txt> <year>
If no command-line argument is given, a default file & year will be chosen. This script will loop through the different datasets and submit crab jobs for each one.
Note: the text file needs to be written such that each sample has a 'nickname' that can be used to create the crab directory. The example text files include this structure -- replicate it if you write your own file!
Example: filename = "example.txt"
ttbar /TT_TuneCUETP8M2T4_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/RunIISummer16MiniAODv2-PUMoriond17_80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_2016_TrancheIV_v6-v1/MINIAODSIM`
where ttbar
is the nickname, and /TT.../MINIAODSIM
is the sample.
Then, the jobs would be submitted as:
python example.txt 2016
The following method is not recommended. Instead, if you want to only submit one sample, use the method described in "Multiple Submission" and fill your text file with only 1 dataset.
Edit crab_*.py
with a new dataset name to reflect the sample you are processing, e.g.,
Make sure to the output directory is pointed to /store/group/lpctop/ttbarAC/ttbarAC_skim/
If you are processing data, modify the argument config.JobType.pyCfgParams = ['isMC=True']
to config.JobType.pyCfgParams = ['isMC=False']
To submit the CRAB jobs, enter the command:
crab submit -c crab_*.py --dryrun
crab proceed
You can also submit the crab jobs directly by removing --dryrun
For either option, monitor the CRAB jobs and resubmit any that fail.
Instructions for producing EDM Ntuples with BEST tagger inputs and then flat trees for analysis.
cd ttbarAC_skim/ttbarAC_skim/test
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
source /cvmfs/
To submit crab jobs, the script
has been modified too much) is processed for MC (data) using the cmsRun
First, edit crab_*.py
with a new dataset name to reflect the sample you are processing, e.g.,
Make sure to the output directory is pointed to /store/group/lpctop/edmNtuples/
To submit the CRAB jobs, enter the command:
crab submit -c --dryrun
either remove --dryrun
to submit the jobs, or enter crab proceed
after running the above command.
Monitor the CRAB jobs and resubmit any failed jobs.
After crab jobs are finished, make a text file with the filenames (starting with /store/group/...
xrdfsls -u /store/group/lpctop/ttbarAC/edmNtuples/.../ | grep "ana" > textfile.txt
If there are multiple EDM files in this directory, change ana
to a specific keyword in the desired files.
Then, setup the condor scripts to submit jobs to the LPC condor system that process the EDM ntuples into flat ntuples.
The condor scripts to check are
, and
There shouldn't be any changes necessary in
, but
may need changes for the following two lines:
python --files ${file} --isMC 1
where output_path
may need to be changed, and isMC
needs to be 0 for data samples.
To submit the jobs, enter:
./ files.txt <process>
Where <process>
is the name of the process, e.g., SMttbar
this string gets added to the ROOT output files, so you use that same string later with
to grab only the files from a certain process andhadd
Monitor these jobs using condor_q ${USER}
or using landscape.
Once the jobs are finished, flat ntuples are available for analysis using CyMiniAna.
Contact the authors.