Bug - DatePicker with Calendar - Carbon for React #4420
Datepicker open and set methods are not available in mobile devices. Due to as issue with rerendering of the input after the maxDate and minDate prop values are changed, I was advised to use set method using the datepicker ref (ref.current.cal.set({ maxDate: new Date() }))
which wont work on android.
What package(s) are you using?
- ver: 10.5.1 -
- ver: 7.5.1
Detailed description
Throwing errors on console when opened in mobile view
Steps to reproduce the issue
- Open a new tab with dev tools in Chrome
- Go to React Storybook link for Datepicker
- Switch to mobile view
- Click on the date input or calendar icon in the date input
- Check console
- You should see an error
vendors~main.ea56bc5986fd20de4d78.bundle.js:93 Uncaught TypeError: _this.cal.open is not a function
I think the calendar implementation is done differently for different devices. I opened the link on my android phone and it opened the android calendar. However, since I am using internal methods of datepicker for my use case and although it works fine on desktop, it wont on mobile.