This is my understanding and learnings on how to implement EGM in ABB robots using python as communication endpoint (Sensor/Server).
This can be used to implement real time operations on a robot and has limitless capabilities - all thanks to Abb EGM.
The purpose of this repository is to provide detailed start to end instruction on how to implement egm. Your welcome\
Install google protocol buffers :
1 - Download latest windows release from assets section in here. (look for this -> or the latest one
2 - Go to the extracted path and search for bin folder. Add this path to your system variable. (eg: C:\Protobuf\bin)
3 - Also download protobuf-python-3.17.0.tar.gz or latest from the same link and search for\ 3 - Run in cmd -> This will get you installed the Protobuf compiler
4 - Now do 'pip install google' and 'pip install protobuf'
5 - Congrats!! you have succesfully installed protobuffer compilers\ -
Compile a proto file
1 - You will have a proto file from abb - "egm.proto". We have to compile this into our preffered programming language ie, Python in this case.
2 - To do that, use cmd to run the following command -> "protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --python_out=$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/egm.proto" dont forget to provide destination target and source of your egm.proto file. If that is missed, current directory will be used as source and destination.
3 - Now check the destination folder. you'll get the python compiled file ""
4 - Congrats!! Your not far away now! -
1 - Checkout python folder and open In this you will find a generic EGM class. Create an object of this class and change the parameters you want to control for the robot.
2 - Bind the controller by opening a UPD channel in the robot controller, connect the laptop and send this through the UDP to the socket with the IP address of the controller.