Page: /start/q/integration/next
- Hi there, while trying the tutorial, one thing that I completely missed is that I had to press
when selecting "Amazon Cognito User Pool". It would be nice to indicate that next to the terminal output in the getting started page:
# Amazon Cognito User Pool (press space to select it)
Click on "If you’d like to go ahead and connect the front end, you can jump to the next step." leads to nothing.
Default signup form says phone number is mandatory, it has only US phone numbers. And the code is then sent by email if you do not provide a phone number. This is not very easy to understand (people will stop here). We could ship a version that removes the phone number from the UI (I found that in the AuthController docs)
Last deploy step says "Note: Amplify Console is adding support for Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Vote & comment on this issue to show your support!" while I thought it was supported from reading the announcement of amplify + Next.js :) It was fine, but I was surprised
Link to UI components renders empty pages like
That's it! Thanks :)