Author: | Andrew Tarzia |
A Monte Carlo-based host-guest conformer generator using cheap and unphysical potentials.
Please submit an issue with any questions or bugs!
uses the Monte-Carlo/molecule interface provided by my other code
Install using pip:
pip install spindry
SpinDry implements a simple Metropolis Monte-Carlo algorithm to translate and
rotate the guest molecules.
All atom positions/bond lengths within the host and guest are kept rigid and
do not contribute to the potential energy.
The algorithm uses, by default, a simple Lennard-Jones nonbonded potential to
define the potential energy surface such that steric clashes are avoided. Atom
radii are taken from STREUSSEL (<>).
Custom potential functions can also be defined now -- see
The default MC algorithm is as follows:
- For
in N steps: 1. Define a translation of the guest by a random unit-vector and a random [-1, 1) step along the that vector. 2. Define a rotation of the guest by a random [-1, 1) *
angle and a random unit axis. 3. Compute system potentialU_nb
is the nonbonded potential, defined by the Lennard-Jones potential:U_nb = sum_i,j (epsilon_nb * ((sigma / r_ij)^12 - (sigma / r_ij)^6))
, whereepsilon_nb
defines the strength of the potential,sigma
defines the position where the potential becomes repulsive andr_ij
is the pairwise distance between atomsi
.- Accept or reject move:
- Accept if
orexp(-beta(U_i - U_(i-1))
, whereR
is a random number [0, 1) andbeta
is the inverse Boltzmann temperature. Reject otherwise.
- If
is met, quit.
The workflow for a porous organic cage built using stk
(<>) is shown in examples/
for a single guest
and multiple guests.
The Spinner class yields a SupraMolecule
conformer. Only conformers that
pass the MC conditions are yielded. The examples in examples
show how to
access the structures of these conformers as .xyz
files or stk molecules.
I developed this code as a post doc in the Jelfs research group at Imperial College London (<>, <>).
This code was reviewed and edited by: Lukas Turcani (<>)
This project is licensed under the MIT license.