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Object Text

XOYZ69 edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

The text object is used to draw text.


The text object looks as the following:

    "type":             "text",
    "desc":             "Text",
    "x":                0,
    "y":                "0%",
    "color":            "#000000",
    "text":             "Some Text",
    "align":            "center",
    "font":             "secrcode",
    "font_style":       null,
    "font_size":        50,
    "anchor":           null,
    "spacing":          15,
    "padding":          50,
    "logic":            null,
    "max_width":        null,
    "stretch_line":     false


Parameter Description Default Value
type Defines the type of the object you are using and is mandatory for the interpreter to work. -
desc Sets a description for your object that can help your differentiate between different objects or can explain what this specific object does. This parameter has no further impact on your design. "Some Text"
x Sets the starting x coordinate of your object in pixel. Depending on your anchor and align setting. 0
y Sets the starting y coordinate of your object in pixel. Depending on your anchor and align setting. 0
color Sets the text color. #000000
text Sets the text to be displayed "Some Text"
align This setting defines how the text should be aligned. The available alignments are: left, center, right "center"
font Sets the font which is used to display the text "secrcode"
font_style Currently usupported
Set the font style if there are multiple style of the fonts available. the font style "bold" or the font "secrcode" will look for the font file "secrcode-bold".
font_size Set a font size 50
anchor Set the anchor of the text object: lt, rb, mm, ... null
spacing Set the space that is used to space lines when there are multiple lines to be displayed 15
padding - 50
max_width Set the maximum width for the text. If the line would be too long the programm will do a line break. Set to null to disbale this feature. null
stretch_line If enabled the text will be stretched out using spaces between the words to fill out the entire width. false
logic Apply logic for to an object. For more information on how logic works look into the logic section. null
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