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Object Rectangle

XOYZ69 edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

The rectangle object is used to draw rectangles or squares.


The rectangle object looks as the following:

    "type":             "rectangle",
    "desc":             "Some Rectangle",
    "x":                0,
    "y":                "0%",
    "height":           0,
    "width":            "0%",
    "border_radius":    0,
    "color":            "#FFFFFF",
    "logic":            null


Parameter Description Default Value
type Defines the type of the object you are using and is mandatory for the interpreter to work. -
desc Sets a description for your object that can help your differentiate between different objects or can explain what this specific object does. This parameter has no further impact on your design. "Some Rectangle"
x Sets the top left x coordinate of your object in pixel 0
y Sets the top left y coordinate of your object in pixel 0
height Sets the height of the rectangle in pixel. 0
width Sets the width of the rectangle in pixel. 0
border_radius Apllies a rounding effect to the edges of the rectangle. Increase it to achieve more round corners.
A too high value can result the rectangle to become a circle
color Sets the fill color of the rectangle. #FFFFFF
logic Apply logic for to an object. For more information on how logic works look into the logic section. null
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