With the Spawn With Observers flag unticked on the Player prefab Player objects of other clients will spawn on a client, but (correctly) not its own.
NGO 1.11.0 behaves correctly and no Player objects are spawned on clients.
Reproduce Steps
- Create Player prefab with Spawn With Observers unticked on the NetworkObject component.
- Add prefab to as the Default Player Prefab on the NetworkManager.
- Run project as host and have a client connect to it.
Actual Outcome
On client connection the host's Player object spawns on the client, the client's own Player object correctly does not.
Expected Outcome
No Player objects should spawn on the client.
- OS: macOS Big Sur
- Unity Version: Unity 6
- Netcode Version: NGO 2.0.0
Additional Context
The code used to test is here, it's currently set to NetworkShow the client's own Player so both host and client's Player objects will be spawning.