The AIMS-Workshop was held in 2013 in Cape Town, SA. This repo was originally written for that workshop. Since then (to 2025), it has been updated and used partially for EOSC 579 at University of British Columbia.
The Sphinx notes, that can be "made" using: make clean html
give the instructions for the AIMS-Workshop Exercise.
Those notes are available online at
or you view them in your browser after you run make
by opening _build/html/index.html
The EOSC 579 exercise is just part of the second AIMS-Workshop Exercise. See your assignment.
The notebook dynmodes/dynmodes.ipynb
was written for EOSC 579 and is recommended,
but you are welcome to use the script
If doing the latter, I suggest you make the Sphinx notes and read the suggestions for EX2.