Based on by John Klinck, 1999.
The goal is to calculate and explore the vertical dynamic modes using a Python function that calculates numerical solutions of the generalized eigenvalue problem expressed by:
\frac{\partial^2}{\partial z^2} w_m + \alpha^2 N^2 w_m = 0
with boundary conditions of w_m = 0 at the surface and the bottom.
- z is the vertical coordinate, measured in [m]
- w_m are the vertical velocity modes
- N^2 is a profile of Brunt-Vaisala (buoyancy) frequencies squared [s^{-2}]
- \alpha^2 are the eigenvalues
Your assignment:
Open up a terminal window and an editor, and go to the :file:`dynmodes` directory.
Please see the :ref:`GetThePythonCode` section in Exercise 1 if you haven't already cloned the AIMS-Workshop repository from GitHub.
Change to the :file:`AIMS-Workshop/dynmodes/` directory and start :program:`ipython` with plotting enabled.
The Python functions we're going to use in this exercise are in :mod:``.
The :func:`dynmodes` Function
The :func:`dynmodes` function has the following docstring that tells us about what it does, its inputs, and its outputs:
.. autofunction:: dynmodes.dynmodes
For unit depth and uniform, unit N^2 the analytical solution of the :eq:`NormalMode` is:
w_m = w_o \sin(\frac{z}{ce})
ce = \frac{1}{n \pi}
and w_o is an arbitrary constant, taken as 1.
Calculate the 1st 3 dynamic modes for this case using :func:`dynmodes`:
In []: import numpy as np
In []: import dynmodes
In []: depth = np.linspace(0, 1, 21)
In []: Nsq = np.ones_like(depth)
In []: wmodes, pmodes, rmodes, ce = dynmodes.dynmodes(Nsq, depth, 3)
In []: ce
Out[]: array([ 0.31863737, 0.15981133, 0.10709144])
Calculate the 1st 3 modes of the analytical solution for this case:
In []: const = 1 / np.pi
In []: analytical = np.array((const, const / 2, const / 3))
In []: analytical
Out[]: array([ 0.31830989, 0.15915494, 0.1061033 ])
Finally, plot N^2 and the vertical and horizontal modes, and the vertical density modes:
In []: dynmodes.plot_modes(Nsq, depth, 3, wmodes, pmodes, rmodes)
Another case with an analytical solution that you can try is:
- 400 m depth at 10 m intervals
- Uniform N^2 = 1 \times 10^{-6} \ s^{-2}
The analytical solution is:
w_m = w_o \sin(\frac{N z}{ce})
ce = \frac{N H}{n \pi}, N = 1 \times 10^{-3} \ s^{-2}, H = 400 \ m
There are 4 density profile files for you to explore:
- :file:`SoG_S3.dens` is from the Strait of Georgia on the west coast of Canada
- :file:`s105.dens` and :file:`s109.dens` are from Florida Straits
- :file:`so550.dens` is from the South Atlantic offshore of Cape Town
The :func:`dynmodes.read_density_profile` function will read those files and return depth and density arrays. You can view its docstring via the :program:`ipython` help feature:
In []: dynmodes.read_density_profile?
The :func:`dynmodes.density2Nsq` function will convert a density profile to a profile of Brunt-Vaisala (buoyancy) frequencies squared.