Welcome to the LightsTrail website repository.
LightsTrail is a web-based application designed to provide real-time aurora predictions and forecasts, enabling users to experience and track the Northern Lights at any location. Tailored for aurora enthusiasts, travelers, and photographers, the app delivers accurate aurora forecasts based on the user’s location. Users can set the preferences to alerts for receiving notifications when auroras are predicted in their location, either in real-time or triggered by specific Index thresholds. Additionally, LightsTrail fosters a community-driven platform where users can share photos, experiences, and sightings and gain insights into the best viewing spots through location-tagged posts. With a blend of observation technology and social engagement, the app offers a dynamic and engaging platform for aurora enthusiasts worldwide.
- Real-time KP index monitoring
- Custom probability algorithms
- Weather condition integration
- Solar wind speed tracking
- Magnetic field analysis
- Location-based predictions
- Photo sharing capabilities
- Location tagging
- Search functionality
- Photo management tools (Upload, Edit, Update, Delete)
- Customizable KP thresholds
- Email notifications
- Location-based alerts
- Real-time updates
- Real-time probability calculation
- Interactive mapping
- Location suggestions
- Viewing spot details
- Aurora glossary
- Educational resources
- Real-time data visualization
- Historical data analysis
- Weather information
- Live aurora feeds
- Multiple viewing locations
- Viewing guides
- English
- Hindi
- Kannada
- Install prompts
- Cache management
- Service worker integration
Frontend Technologies
- Core: React 18.3.1, TypeScript 5.7.2
- UI Framework: Material-UI, Tailwind CSS
- State Management: Redux Toolkit
- Maps: MapBox GL, Leaflet
- Data Visualization: Recharts
- Animations: Framer Motion
- Internationalization: i18next
- HTTP Client: Axios
Backend Technologies
- Runtime: Node.js
- Framework: Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- ODM: Mongoose
- Authentication: JWT, Passport.js
- File Handling: Multer
- Email Service: Nodemailer
External APIs
- NOAA API (Aurora data)
- OpenWeather API
- Google OAuth
- Mapbox API
- Node Mailer
node -v # v18.x or higher
npm -v # 9.x or higher
### Installation
1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/lightstrail.git
- Install dependencies
# Frontend
cd app
npm install
# Backend
cd service
npm install
- Set up environment variables
# Frontend (.env)
# Backend (.env)
- Start development servers
# Frontend
npm run dev
# Backend
npm run dev
View Domain Model
class User {
+UserId id
+String email
+String username
+String password
+String firstName
+String lastName
+String provider
+UserPreferences preferences
+DateTime createdAt
class AlertPreferences {
+UserId userId
+Number kpThreshold
+String email
+Location location
+Boolean isEnabled
+DateTime lastNotificationSent
+DateTime createdAt
class AuroraObservation {
+ObservationId id
+UserId observerId
+LocationId locationId
+ObservationDateTime dateTime
+WeatherConditions conditions
class Location {
+LocationId id
+String cityName
+GeoCoordinates coordinates
+Number probability
class AuroraForecast {
+ForecastId id
+ForecastDateTime timestamp
+Number kpIndex
+Number bz
+Number speed
+Number probability
+String temperature
+String precipitation
+String windSpeed
+String cloudCover
+String isDay
+Number uvIndex
class Gallery {
+PhotoId id
+UserId userId
+String url
+String location
+String userName
+DateTime createdAt
+String fileName
class GeoCoordinates {
<<Value Object>>
+Decimal latitude
+Decimal longitude
class WeatherConditions {
<<Value Object>>
+Number temperature
+Number cloudCover
+Number windSpeed
+Number precipitation
%% Relationships
User "1" --o "*" AuroraObservation : creates
User "1" --o "*" Gallery : posts
User "1" --o "1" AlertPreferences : configures
AuroraObservation "1" --* "1" WeatherConditions : includes
AuroraObservation "*" --o "1" Location : recorded at
Location "1" --* "1" GeoCoordinates : has
AuroraForecast "*" --o "1" Location : predicts for
-Pooja Doddannavar: doddannavar.p@northeastern.edu
-Aryaa Hanamar: hanamar.a@northeastern.edu
-Samarth Rayar: rayar.s@northeastern.edu
-Siddharth Nashikkar: nashikkar.s@northeastern.edu