Aurora Tracker API Resources 1. Authentication POST /signup - Register new user with email and password POST /login - Authenticate user and get token 2. Location Services GET /location/{cityName} - Get longitude and latitude for a city 3. Gallery Management GET /gallery/photos - List photos with pagination POST /gallery/photos - Upload new photo GET /gallery/photos/{photoId} - Get single photo details PUT /gallery/photos/{photoId} - Update photo information DELETE /gallery/photos/{photoId} - Remove photo 4. Aurora Forecast GET /auroraforecast - Get aurora forecast by coordinates Data Models User { "email": "string", "password": "string", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string" } Location { "cityName": "string", "longitude": "number", "latitude": "number" } Photo { "id": "string", "url": "string", "userName": "string", "location": "string", "createdAt": "datetime" } AuroraForecast { "kpIndex": "string", "bz": "string", "speed": "string", "longitude": "number", "latitude": "number" }