Can NOT close PCLVisualizer
As a thread on Stackoverflow said,
" I am writing a program to record and store pointclouds. Part of the programs function to observe the recorded clouds, for this I use the PCL visualizer. The problem is that if I close the visualizers window the window just stops, but won't close. I tried calling the close() method, but nothing. I read that this was a problem before VTK 8.0, but I use 8.1 and the problem is still there. I also use PCL 1.9.1 and Ubuntu 18.04. Anyone has a solution for this? Thanks in advance. "
And I am experiencing the very same problem, could someone give some workarounds?
Code to reproduce the problem:
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(void) {
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer;
while (!viewer.wasStopped()) {
std::cout << "closed!" << std::endl;
while (true) {
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
gcc:(Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0
VTK: 8.2.0
pcl: 1.9.1 or 1.10.1