Releases: PenningLabs/lxconsole
Releases · PenningLabs/lxconsole
Version 0.6.1
- Converted remaining tables to new format
- Renamed Proxy to WebSocket Proxy in servers table fields
- Added additional fields to network zones, including network records per zone
- Added metadata to operations table
- Updated remaining datatable layouts
- Added acknowledging status for warnings
- Added metadata field to operations table
- Now displaying key alongside the TOTP QR Code
- Updated datatables and components to newer versions
- Fixed additional configuration properties when adding new project
- Added .gitignore file
- Added fix for permanent login sessions
- Added cleanup of records when deleting groups or users
Version 0.6.0
- Added additional packages to python requirements.txt, notably pyotp and qrcode
- Updated the python requirements.txt version numbers for packages
- Added an Account page to enable the multi-factor authentication option
- Added an Expiry Date field to the Certificates table
- Added a Registries page to support OCI based registries
- Deprecated the Simplestreams page
- Added a new Settings page with password requirement settings
- Added timezone aware created_at default values for user account creation
- Fixed typo in Network Zones file
Version 0.5.7
- Added check for session state
- Removed unused library from login and register pages
Version 0.5.6
- Added exporting status to instance backups table
- Added multi-record select functions to images table
- Added bootstrap toast notifications for images table actions
Version 0.5.5
- Added status to instance backups
- Updated datatables on Network Zones page to handle a returned error
- Added persistence for the number of table rows selected in instances page
- Updated display rendering of timestamps on instances page
Version 0.5.4
- Added screenshots directory with screenshots
- Added system warnings page allowing user to acknowledge and delete warnings
Version 0.5.3
- Updated instances list to handle Error status
Version 0.5.2
- Added started_at time to instances info
Version 0.5.1
- Added VGA console support for Chrome
- Changed theme persistence from sessionStorage to localStorage
Version 0.5.0
- Added Dark theme option
- Added VGA based console option to Virtual Machines via Spice-HTML5