This open source application that provides a web-based user interface capable of managing multiple Incus and LXD servers from a single location. Some of the features include:
- Connect and manage multiple servers
- Create container and virtual machine instances from either a form or JSON input
- Start, stop, rename, and delete instances
- Copy instances to create new instances
- Create, restore and delete snapshots of instances
- Create instances from snaphots
- Migrate instances between hosts on a cluster
- Download container and virtual machine images to hosts
- Create, edit, apply, and remove profiles
- Create, edit, and delete networks, storage pools, storage volumes, and projects
- Switch between projects on a host
- Interact with instances using web-based terminal
- Create and download backups of an instance to your local computer
- Create local users and groups
- Apply role based access control
Lxconsole is a python web application that used flask as a framework.
This software is currently in BETA TESTING. Please see roadmap.txt for development plans.
Use the following instructions to setup this software on a linux server:
- Clone the git repository (git clone
- Install the python packages found in requirements.txt. (pip3 install -r requirements.txt)
- Using python, run the file. (python3
- Using your browser, visit http://YOURIPADDRESS:5000
Instructions on setting up lxconsole as a docker image.
- Build the docker image (sudo docker build --no-cache -t penninglabs/lxconsole:v0.0.0 .)
- Run the docker container (sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 --name lxconsole -d penninglabs/lxconsole:v0.0.0)
- Additionally the flask session secret key can be set using the environment variable LXCONSOLE_SECRET_KEY.
- Mounted volumes of interest for persistence include the certs (lxconsole client.key and client.crt) and instance (db.sqlite3 database) directories:
- /opt/lxconsole/certs
- /opt/lxconsole/instance