ARACHNE Execution Engine is a component used to execute remote SQL or R code. It is used by both Arachne Data Node as well as WebAPI.
ARACHNE Execution Engine is able to use local or Docker Image/tar ball pre-built R environments to execute your R code.
- Option 1. Build from the sources
- Option 2. Use Docker Image
- default docker image to be used for execution. If specified, this enables docker execution support.
- a regex used to scan for docker images to be listed. Specifying enables docker execution support and image scanning.
- policy that defines when docker images should be pulled. The possible values are as follows:
Never pull any images. If image does not exist in local repository, fail analysis.
If image exists in local repository, use it. Do not check for updated image.
Always attempt to pull. If pull failed but image exists in local repository, proceed with that image.
Always attempt to pull. If pull fails, analysis will fail as well, even if local image exists.
- Default image to use for running executions
- true/false, enables using local R runtime.
- outdated option. This is only kept for backward compatibility with implementations that don't support dynamic mode detection.
The configuration below enables both tarball and docker execution:
--rm // Remove on exit
-p 8888:8888 // Bind host port to container port
--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway // Allow access to DB running on host bare
-e RUNTIMESERVICE_DIST_ARCHIVE=/dist/r_base_focal_amd64.tar.gz // Name of the default execution environment
-v ~/R-environments:/runtimes // Mount host directory volume
--privileged // Allow spawning other containers
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock // Mount socket to connect to host Docker from inside container
-v ~/executions:/etc/executions // Mount host directory /etc/ee to volume /etc/executions in container to hold executions
-e DOCKER_IMAGE_DEFAULT=odysseusinc/r-hades:latest // Default image to use for running executions
-e DOCKER_IMAGE_FILTER="odysseusinc/r-hades(.+)" // Filter to scan for docker images.
-e ANALYSIS_MOUNT=/etc/ee // Provide container location of the host directory for executions to allow mounting it spawn Docker containers
-e DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=... // (Optional) url to Docker registry for pulling image runtime files
-e DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME=... // (Optional) username to connect to Docker registry
-e DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=... // (Optional) password to connect to Docker registry
On startup, the list of descriptors and docker images is printed in logs for the ease of verification:
2024-09-24 11:38:05.085 INFO : Refreshed TARBALL descriptors (4)
2024-09-24 11:38:05.086 INFO : TARBALL descriptor [Default] (Default runtime) -> [r_base_focal_amd64.tar.gz]
2024-09-24 11:38:05.086 INFO : TARBALL descriptor [hades_0.0.1] (Runtime for Hades 1.13.0) -> [r_base_focal_descriptor_hades_1.13.0_amd64.tar.gz]
2024-09-24 11:38:05.086 INFO : TARBALL descriptor [descriptor_strategus_0.0.6] (Runtime for Strategus 0.0.6) -> [r_base_focal_descriptor_strategus_0.0.6_amd64.tar.gz]
2024-09-24 11:38:05.487 INFO : Refreshed DOCKER images (4)
2024-09-24 11:38:05.488 INFO : DOCKER image [null]: [odysseusinc/r-hades:2023q3v3]
2024-09-24 11:38:05.487 INFO : DOCKER image [sha256:6e00765224ef2388124ab1671491ab6f20a7311f3511dce8d7fbf8d4723f817f]: [odysseusinc/r-hades:2023q3v3, odysseusinc/r-hades:latest]
2024-09-24 11:38:05.487 INFO : DOCKER image [sha256:2d3be87a6dba17c22b5f713aa312f92af25b9a42bdaae8d3a8d21ba278015c54]: [odysseusinc/r-hades:2023q3v2]
2024-09-24 11:38:05.488 INFO : DOCKER image [sha256:1d5e30e6cf52d27fabcff618f3d2a61b766ed792f4d585dc2127ac2f3d993699]: [odysseusinc/r-hades:2023q3]
Download Cloudera JDBC Connector using the following link:
unzip one with following jars:
- hive_metastore.jar
- hive_service.jar
- ImpalaJDBC41.jar
- libfb303-0.9.0.jar
- libthrift-0.9.0.jar
- ql.jar
- TCLIServiceClient.jar
Run build with profile impala:
mvn -P impala clean install
Before running tests it's required to prepare CDM database version 5.0 or newer. Run tests command should include CDM database connection parameters like shown below:
mvn -Dcdm.jdbc_url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/synpuf -Dcdm.username=postgres -Dcdm.password=postgres test
If deployed to DBMS other than PostgreSQL point one
of the following dbms types with cdm.dbms
- postgresql
- sql server
- pdw
- redshift
- oracle
- implala
- bigquery
- netezza
- snowflake
- spark
- You can use the following template for testing purposes:
curl --location 'https://localhost:8888/api/v1/analyze' \
--header 'arachne-compressed: false' \
--header 'arachne-waiting-compressed-result: false' \
--header 'arachne-attach-cdm-metadata: true' \
--header 'arachne-result-chunk-size-mb: 10485760' \
--form 'analysisRequest="{
\"id\": 123,
\"executableFileName\": \"main.R\",
\"dataSource\": {
\"id\": 123,
\"name\": \"Data Source\",
\"url\": \""
\"requested\": \"2023-12-19T10:00:00Z\",
\"requestedDescriptorId\": \"789\",
\"resultExclusions\": \"exclude_result1,exclude_result2\",
\"dockerImage\": \"r-base\",
\"callbackPassword\": \"callback-password\",
\"updateStatusCallback\": \"\",
\"resultCallback\": \"\"
}";type=application/json' \
--form 'file=@"/Downloads/main.R"' \
--form 'container="r-base"'