Open Beta v7.3 | Please help testing and hardening the upcoming release #4498
RC version | v7.3.2 |
v7.3.0 PR | #4495 |
v7.3.1 PR | #4508 |
v7.3.2 PR | #4516 |
Release plan | #4452 |
Release docs | TBD |
Raw changelog | |
Code changes | master...beta |
Release date | 2021-06-26 |
How to apply:
Related/solved issues:
Beta v7.3.2
- DietPi-Automation | A new dietpi.txt setting "AUTO_SETUP_DHCP_TO_STATIC" has been added. When set to "1", DHCP leased network settings will be applied as static network settings automatically during first run setup. This works as well with older images, by adding the above setting to dietpi.txt.
- DietPi-Backup | The include/exclude filter handling has been reworked. /mnt (dietpi_userdata) and /media related rules are added now via the editable custom filter file, which gives users more control over these. Especially it allows to include other mount points below /mnt, hence external dietpi_userdata, which was previously impossible due to the order in which those filter rules are applied.
- DietPi-VPN | The killswitch has been adjusted to allow incoming SSH connections. Many thanks to @yslupdates for doing this request: Can't use SSH after enabling dietpi-vpn killswitch setting #4447
- DietPi-Config | Support for the Allo Boss2 DAC OLED display has been added to the "Display Options" > "LCD/OLED Panel addon" menu. When selecting the Allo Boss2 DAC as sound card, you will be asked whether to enable the OLED display as well.
- DietPi-Software | Allo web UI: Updated to v13.3 which adds support for the Allo Boss2 DAC and resolves an issue where the Squeezelite service could not be controlled as the service path has changed. All credits go to Allo for implementing these changes.
- DietPi-Software | Cuberite: This has been enabled for ARMv8 systems, where the available ARMv7 binaries work just fine.
New Software
- AdGuard Home | This DNS sinkhole ad blocker for your LAN, similar to Pi-hole, has been added with software ID 126.
- Beets | This command line music organizer and manager has been added with software ID 190.
- frp | This proxy system has been added as install option with ID 171.
- Snapcast Server | This multiroom audio server component has been added with software ID 191. Many thanks to @foxy82 for implementing this software title: DietPi-Software | Snapcast client and server #4465
- Snapcast Client | The multiroom audio client component has been added with software ID 192. Many thanks to @foxy82 for implementing this software title: DietPi-Software | Snapcast client and server #4465
- K3s | Added a lightweight Kubernetes implementation as install option with ID 193. Many thanks to @mortenlj for implementing this software title: DietPi-Software | K3s #4476
Removed Software
- Tomcat 8 | Tomcat version 8 is available until Debian Stretch only, from Buster on it's Tomcat 9. There is no reasonable configration that DietPi-Software can do on top of installing the APT package, which can be easily done manually via "apt install tomcat9". The software option is hence removed from DietPi-Software, in favour of a manual package install.
- DietPi-JustBoom | Resolved an issue where the equalizer was always shown as "Off" even when it was just or previously enabled (v7.2 regression). Many thanks to
for reporting this issue: - DietPi-Drive_Manager | Resolved an issue where network drives were detected as physical drives (v7.2 regression). Many thanks to @maartenlangeveld for reporting this issue: dietpi-drive_manager gives errors for mounted network drives #4479
- DietPi-Software | Node-RED: Resolved an issue where the Python 3 RPi.GPIO module was tried to be installed as dependency on non-RPi devices (v7.2 regression). Many thanks to @TheAdminFrmoHell for reporting this issue: Unable to locate package python3-rpi.gpio on VMware. #4478
- DietPi-Software | PI-SPC: Resolved a syntax error in the shutdown script loop. Many thanks to @renaudlarzilliere for reporting this issue: PI-SPC install issue: pi-spc/ lin 18 unexpected operator #4488
- DietPi-Software | Resolved an issue where with AUTO_SETUP_AUTOMATED=1 the OpenSSH client was always installed on first boot, even if it was not requested.