Hello, thank you for making this project. I'm using this package in ros noetic.
I'm trying to run the example provided on the campus_outdoor_1014 dataset and I have the exact same issues as here, where after running the command CATKIN_WS=<path-to-catkin-ws> DATA_PATH=<path-to-campus-outdoor-data-folder> LOG_DIR=<path-to-log-folder> tmuxp load 1014-example.yaml
, all the terminals run fine with no error output, but rviz shows no visualizations, with the Global Status Error "Unknown frame map". Nothing else in rviz shows errors (e.g. /acl_jackal/kimera_vio_ros/optimized_trajectory) but there is still nothing visualized. I also tried changing the global frame to be one of the robots' frames but it still doesn't show anything
Referencing issue #6 , I've tried installing image_transport_plugins with sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-image-transport-plugins
but it didn't fix the issue.
Here is my log folder for acl_jackal: As can be seen, the results aren't all empty: e.g. lcd_log.csv and odometry_poses.csv have non-zero entries. It's the same for the other robots as well. When I try to compare the file trajectory_optimized.csv with the ground truth for jackal, it didn't optimize as you can see below:
Any help to identify and fix the problem would be appreciated. Thank you.