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Manually Test Sentry integration

@greweb edited this page Jul 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

On Sentry side, you will need a dedicated project to test out the integration so we don't pollute the production project with these. You will find in the settings of the Sentry project what is the associated "DSN" settings. It looks like this URL: This is the value you will set in the environment variable (replace _your_dsn_ placeholder).

On Desktop

export SENTRY_URL=_your_dsn_
pnpm desktop build
# For Mac:
SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE=1 ./apps/ledger-live-desktop/dist/mac-universal/Ledger\\ Live

You can then proceed to confirm that Sentry report works from the 3 different targets of Ledger Live Desktop: renderer process, main process and internal process. To do so, at any part of the app, you can literally type one of these:


and it will report mocked errors to Sentry so we can test it end to end.

Screenshot 2022-06-09 at 17 11 44

On Mobile

Set in your .env these variables


You can then proceed to testing in dev mode. To trigger a crash, you can go to Settings > Debug > Mock & Test > Debug crash and then click one crash case to test. Typically "JS Crash" works well and you will be able to easily confirm on Sentry side.

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