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ofreyssinet-ledger edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 10 revisions

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We use a lightweight opt-out analytics layer composed of different APIs and SDKs.

These tools are targeted towards internal contributors only or with

Adjust integration 🠒 Installs data analytics

Several dev environments are available to track installs of apps Debug, Staging and Prod

In order to log events add this to your target build dot-env file


For more details on how to work with the SDK check the adjust doc here

Segment integration 🠒 General use analytics

in order to track events we use segment API with specific react API

import { Track, TrackScreen } from "../analytics";
import Button from "./Button";

  event={`Event - ${data}`}
  eventProperties={{ myData: data }}
<TrackScreen category="ScreenCategory" name="FirstScreen" />
<Button onPress={callback} event="button_click" eventProperties={{ myData: data }} />

Track helps track events that can be linked to a component lifecycle.

TrackScreen tracks mount events on a page with a formatted category (section of the app) and screen name.

Button helps track click/press events with event and eventProperties props.

Debugging Analytics with the in-app Analytics Console

In order to debug locally the events that are being sent to Segment, go to Settings > Debug > Configuration > Show analytics console or add this to your local dot-env file:


This will display an analytics console in an overlay. It shows all the segment events that get dispatched.

You can toggle the analytics console visibility by tapping on the floating button, there are three modes:

  • transparent overlay: to see events coming in as you interact with the app
  • opaque: to have a clear view on the list of events, that you can scroll through. This mode also displays some options for the console. And you can click on each event to see the extra properties attached to it.
  • hidden: to use the app without having the UI being masked by the analytics console.

Video here:

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How to implement a tracking plan from its specification (Segment)

There are two types of events that you will find in a tracking plan specification: screen and track. This is a small abstraction over generic segment events, in the ends they are just events that will have a different naming:

  • screen events all have an event name like "Page ..."
  • track events have a event name like button_clicked.

"screen" events

These are events that should be emitted once when a given part of the UI is mounted (generally a whole screen, but it can be a smaller part of a screen).

Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 11 51 29

To track "screen" events, in 99% of cases just use the TrackScreen event with the category property:

import TrackScreen from "path/to/TrackScreen"
// ...
function SomeComponent() {
 return (
   <TrackScreen category={screenName} /> // in our example above, category="Set up Ledger Stax: Step 1 device paired"
   <TheRestOfYourComponent />

The event will be dispatched automatically when the TrackScreen component gets mounted. So be careful to put it in a place where it won't be remounted several times in a row for instance.

ℹ️ NB: you don't have to set the "source" event property yourself as it will be automatically set to the value of the previous screen event event's name.

"track" events

These are events that should be emitted on user actions (e.g. button click).

Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 11 51 50

To track "track" events, you can use these, by order of preference:

  • If it's a Button press:
import Button from "path/to/wrappedUi/Button"
function SomeComponentWithAButton() {
 return (
      eventProperties={{propA: value1, propB: value2}} // in our example above eventProperties={{button: "language", screen: "Set up Ledger Stax: Step 1 device paired"}}
  • If it's a Link press
import Link from "path/to/wrappedUi/Link"
function SomeComponentWithALink() {
 return (
      eventProperties={{propA: value1, propB: value2}}
  • If it's something else:
import {track} from "path/to/segment"

function SomeComponent() {
 const handleUserAction = () => {
  const eventPropertiesFromTheSpec = {
    button: "language",
    screen: "Set up Ledger Stax: Step 1 device paired",
  track("button_clicked", eventPropertiesFromTheSpec)
 return <Whatever onUserAction={handleUserAction} />;
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