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WARNING: Codes are really bad due to my lazy and lack of experience. I'm sorry about this
This project was a project for a competition.
It is a fluid simulator using Lattice-Boltzmann Method with nice GUI (two GUI versions, Tkinter and PyQt5). I started the project in September, 2021. And the result came that I won the first prize in March, 2023. There isn't any secret now, so I'm uploading to share my work. Though this project is mainly in Chinese, I hope this can help someone.
- Please be sure to run the code in the code's root floder. There is still some logic issues in the program (that I'm too lazy and busy to solve now), especially when doing file operations like screenshotting and saving project. It will possibly accidentally create some .PNG or .LBM files if you are not running the code in the code's root directory. So make sure you "cd" to the projects floder first then "py main.py".
- Make sure you haven't missed a file. There may be issues while running without "Screenshots" floder, icon files, or .ttf file(in PyQt5 version)
- Tkinter Version is recommended. It's more fully annotated.
- Actually sympy is unnecessary in PyQt5 version. I remember I once replaced it with numpy, but I the code is in my school. Maybe I'll update when I'm back to school.
(under construction)
Tkinter Version: Python3 with matplotlib.
PyQt5 Version: Python3 with matplotlib, sympy and PyQt5.
Since the development of fluid mechanics, it has penetrated into all aspects of life.
In the classroom, the knowledge of fluid mechanics is often involved. In many cases, schools and teachers do not have suitable tools to demonstrate, so they can only use formulas and simple lines on the blackboard to tell relevant knowledge, which makes it difficult for many students to understand and appreciate the hidden meaning of fluid mechanics. The beauty of abstraction.
In learning, many beginners of numerical methods or fluid mechanics suffer from the fact that books are too abstract and too jumpy, and often they can only find boring core codes, and cannot find simple algorithm programs that are convenient for practice.
This program is able to solve these problems.
For classroom teaching, this program not only has a scientific and rigorous LBM algorithm, but also has an easy-to-use GUI and rich interactivity, which almost meets all the adjustment needs of Tan Shu, and can demonstrate the flow phenomenon scientifically, conveniently and quickly.
For professional learning, the algorithm of this program adopts simple BGK simulation, which is rigorous and easy to understand. Rich interactive functions realize single calculation and multiple parameter adjustments, get rid of the boring parameter adjustment process, and speed up the understanding of the meaning of various parameters.
Jim Zhou (ZZY)
- 请确保在代码所在的根目录下运行代码。由于时间仓促和后来我的慵懒于忙碌,无暇再改一些程序中的低级逻辑错误。具体多是在文件操作上,有时因为目录不对、缺乏文件等,会报错/错误操作文件。因此请先"cd"到项目所在的目录,然后再"py main.py"打开
- 请确保没有遗漏文件。如果缺失“Screenshots”文件夹、图标文件或.ttf字体文件,程序可能报错。
- 更加推荐Tkinter版本。Tkinter版本的注释更加完善。
- 事实上PyQt5版本中的sympy库是非必要的。我记得做过一个删去sympy用numpy代替的版本,但是源码在学校忘记拷回来了。等我有空回学校再上传吧。
Tkinter版本: 带有 matplotlib 库的 Python3。
PyQt5版本: 带有 matplotlib、sympy 和 PyQt5 库的 Python3。
周支宇 (ZZY)