- Switzerland
- https://iacopomc.github.io/
- Pro
This is the code implementation for the paper UAV Tracking with Solid-State Lidars: Dynamic Multi-Frequency Scan Integration.
This repo contains ROS nodes that implement a relative Monte-Carlo multi-robot localization method by fusing UWB range measurements with odometry estimations and cooperative spatial detections.
This project is used for lidar point cloud undistortion.
Ultra-wideband (UWB) Localization for Autonomous UAV Flight in GNSS-denied Environments
Basic computer vision pipeline to detect lane lines in a video.
Image processing pipeline for detecting highway lane in a video
CNN and Data Augmentation to train a traffic sign classifier with OpenCv and Tensorflow
CNN model to drive autonomously a car in a simulator using Keras
Vehicle Detection and Tracking pipeline with OpenCV, HOG and SVM.
IacopomC / vr-robot-kart
Forked from magamig/vr-robot-kart🏎️ Robot car drivable through hand movements connected to a VR headset
A series of image processing algorithms using Three JS and shaders
Image Processing Methods implemented with openMP, CUDA and shared memory
Conversion of 360 stereo images from equirectangular to cube maps using CUDA and OpenMp
Color segmentation via Lab color space using CUDA
Robot arm with 3 degrees of freedom built using three.js
Color Science Lab built using only three.js
Extended Kalman Filter and Deep Learning to detect vehicles from RGB and LiDAR data (Sensor Fusion and Tracking project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program)