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Ameya Salvi ameyarsalvi
PhD candidate in Automotive Engineering with interests in Robotics and AI

Clemson University Greenville

Elena Rubleva allicen
Programming, robotics, ROS, robot manipulators


Yuqiang Yang yuqiang-yang
I receive my bachelor degree at South China University of Technology in 2022. Now I am studying for a master's degree at South China University of Technology.

south china university of technology Shenzhen, China

琥珀 akikohaku

University of Bristol Bristol

Haopeng philthinker
Statistics, Robotics and Control Theory

Shenzhen, China

Junwen Cui JameScottX
Occupied in physical control of robotics. Email:

China Chendu

Advanced Robotics and Automation Lab aralab-unr
Welcome to the Advanced Robotics and Automation (ARA) Laboratory. Website:

UNR Reno, Nevada, USA.

NingYuming GradyM2M
PhD candidate at Xidian University.

Xidian University China Xi'an

Jorge Fernandes JorgeFernandes-Git

Motofil Robotics, S.A. Aveiro, Portugal

Haofei Ma HaofeiMa
A Ph.D student in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University China,Hong Kong

Junjia Liu Skylark0924
Ph.D. student in AI Robotics, CUHK

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, China

Stephen James stepjam
Robot Learning

Robot Learning Lab London, UK

Zhao-Jichao Zhao-Jichao

Tianjin University of Science & Technology Tianjin, China

Hoony SagongUihun
[Bachelor Degree] Graduated from 'University of Seoul' (2017.02~2023.02) [Master Course] Now on 4nd semester in 'University of Seoul ' (2023.03~ ing)

UOS Robotics Lab, University of Seoul Seoul, South Korea

Jessica Uppal JessicaUppal
Data Analyst | Neuroscience


Code repositories for Jungwon Seo Robotic Manipulation Lab
Sungjoon sjchoi86
Assistant professor at Korea University

Korea University Seoul

Minchang Sung MinchangSung0223
Robot Control / Robot Vision

Hanyang University Ph.D. Candidates Republic of Korea

Lehu Lee leihui6
A PhD student at Aarhus University.

AU, Denmark

Eunhoo Lee EunHooLee
Master degree student

Yonsei university Seoul, Korea

Hao Cheng shinian123
Beihang University

Beijing, China

Robot Descriptions robot-descriptions
Robot descriptions and software to access them.
Quentin Gallouédec qgallouedec
Research Engineer @huggingface

@huggingface Lyon, France

Jesse Haviland jhavl
Robotics and AI Researcher at @qcr

Queensland University of Technology Brisbane

XT_Yang IanYangChina
Research Associate at Cardiff Univ., UK. Research topic: Robotics, Contact-rich Manipulation, Differentiable Simulation, DRL

Cardiff University Cardiff, UK

tutusjtu tutusjtu
肝可视化视频的上交博士生 Bilibili@图通道 Ph.D. student who loves making visualization videos
ROS Perception ros-perception
place where standard perception stuff is maintained
Saif Sidhik justagist
Robotics Software Engineer | Control | ML | Robot Manipulation | Robot Locomotion

Leap AI UK

Robotic Systems Lab - Legged Robotics at ETH Zürich leggedrobotics
The Robotic Systems Lab investigates the development of machines and their intelligence to operate in rough and challenging environments.


Peter Corke petercorke
Robotics research and education.

Brisbane, Australia

Mert Kaan Yılmaz mkylmz
Turning the lip service into reality.


NuBot nubot-nudt
The NuBot team was founded in 2004, focusing on robotics research at NUDT, China

ChangSha China

Autonomous Agents and Intelligent Robots AAIR-lab
ASU research group focusing on well-founded and reliable assistive AI systems


William C Francis williamcfrancis
Machine Learning Engineer | Python Vision | UPenn Robotics Graduate | Help businesses make data-driven decisions and build AI-Powered data products.

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia