Numerics Public
a collection of efficient and precise numerical algorithms and operations with focus on linear algebra and computational geometry.
A generic, modern and extensible numerical toolkit following the syntax and functionality of the GLSL shading language, but it packed with extra goodies
Optimal-FIR-Filter-Designer Public
Given cutoff frequency, sampling frequency and filter order application will return an all-pole, near-linear phase low pass filter with optimized magnitude response in the pass-band region.
Interval-arithmetic Public
an Interval arithmetic class for matlab
CoordSysJS Public
A JavaScript class for 2D/3D Cartesian coordinate system manipulation
Helicopter-Simulation Public
A complete 6DOF helicopter simulation (physics engine + visualization)
BabyTask Public
KISS style graph-based parallel task programing
Useful-Functions-and-Classes Public
A collection of useful functions and classes
MakeLazy Public
wrap any container (by reference) with lazy-evaluated loop-fused element wise operator overload.
FlatTree Public
general purpose flat tree data structure
Real Public
single precision floating point error (relative to double precision) estimation tool
lazyVector Public
lazy evaluated element wise std:vector
NumericalPlusPlus Public archive
numerical utilities (linear algebra, 3D/geometrical related operations)
Event Public
an event system
BiDirectional-Map Public
fixed-size bi-directional static flat map
Matlab-files Public
assorted Matlab files
INI-parser Public
INI configuration file parsing utilities