Large projects require a human-readable non-binary format for storing configuration files. This solution include the tools required to parse and extract "an INI style" configuration file.
Supported INI file linguistic rules and format:
- Comments are declared by an '#' or ';' and can appear anywhere along a line. Anything after the comment character is ignored.
- Sections are declared inside square brackets ('[', ']') in a single line. Sections can not be duplicated in the same section. Sections can be nested, example of section nesting: i.e.: [foo] a = 1 b = banana [[foo_nested]] a2=2
- Key/value pairs declaration is such that the key is followed by th euqals sign ('=') followed by the value, i.e. - =
- Key can be composed of all numerals and characters other then '#' and ';'. Keys can not be duplicated in the same section.
- Values which are arrays are declared inside a curly bracket ('{', '}') and the elements are seperated by commas (,). Array elements must be of the same type, example of array definition: array = {1, 2, 3}
- Q: Why not XML?
- A: Because its not human-readable without a visual aid or some sort of syntax highlighting mechanism.
- Q: Why not JSON?
- A: Easier to parse then XML, but still a bit over verbose.
- Q: Why INI?
- A: Easily read, unambiguous to parse, understood by everyone, can support everything without "special" rules & tokens.