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Tags: Ciusss89/RIOT



Toggle 2019.10's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
kb2ma Ken Bannister
RELEASE 2019.10

RIOT-2019.10 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.

RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).

RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.

About this release:

The 2019.10 release includes:

 - initial support for SUIT firmware updates
 - USB CDC-ACM serial communication
 - complete rewrite of TI CC110x radio driver
 - initial support for IPv6 fragmentation
 - DTLS support in the sock networking stack
 - complete blockwise messaging for gcoap and nanocoap
 - as always, bug fixes and documentation updates

About 460 pull requests, composed of 950 commits, have been merged since the
last release, and about 60 issues have been solved. 57 people contributed with
code in 105 days. Approximately 2000 files have been touched with 129000
insertions and 25000 deletions.

Notations used below:
    + means new feature/item
    * means modified feature/item
    - means removed feature/item

New features and changes

System libraries
    + sys/arduino: Added millis()
    * sys/arduino: make ADC feature optional
    + sys/fmt: Added submodule fmt_table for printing tables
    + sys/log: add module for colorized logging
    + sys/riotboot: add initial image digest verification
    * riotboot: define if building the bootloader
    + sys/shell: add heap command
    + sys/shell: cancel current line on CTRL-C.
    * shell/sc_gnrc_ipv6_nib: list and edit authoritative border router (ABR) list
    + sys/suit: initial support for SUIT firmware updates
    * sys: add schedstatistics module to remove dependency on xtimer
    * can: use memarray for pkt and router allocation
    + sys: single interrupt handler thread for interrupts in modules with blocking
      functions (but likely to be removed -- see Deprecations section below)

    + sys: Add (CoAP) Link Format module
    + sys: add credman (D)TLS credential management module
    + sys: new sock submodule for DTLS
    + gnrc_ipv6_ext_frag: Initial import of IPv6 fragmentation and reassembly
    + gnrc_netif: allow for wait of minimum time between sends
    * gnrc_netif: add netif setter (part of refactoring to a pointer-based
    * gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_vrb: add gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_vrb_from_route()
    + gnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb: move reassembly buffer functions to their own module
    + gcoap: add Blockwise support
    * nanocoap: complete Blockwise support
    + nanocoap: add coap_opt_get_next() to iterate over options
    + nanocoap: add coap_opt_get_opaque() to retrieve option bytes
    * gnrc_tcp: several small improvements

    * ccn-lite: version bump
    * pkg/libcose: bump version and update crypto support
    * nimble: adapt to nrf51 family
    + nimble: add IP-over-BLE support via netif/GNRC
    * nimble: bump version to 1.2.0
    * nimble/netif: set max conn explicitly
    * semtech-loramac: add uplink_counter get/set functions
    + Cifra: add AES crypto library
    * cayenne-lpp: bump version to 0.1.1
    + wolfSSL pkg addition with examples

    + board: add support for SAMR34-XPRO
    + boards/arduino-mkrwan1300: add initial support (without LoRa)
    * boards: Split off 128KiB version of bl*pill
    + boards/doc: Add a guide to find physical board pins
    + boards: Initial support for board HiFive1B
    - boards/mips-malta: remove board.
    + boards/nrf52: introduce shared dependencies in common/nrf52 and update
    * boards/nrf52832-mdk: enable I2C and use default configuration
    * board/nucleo-l031k6: Add i2c to periph_conf
    * board/nucleo-l432kc: Implementing I2C for board
    * boards: move CPU/CPU_MODEL definition to Makefile.features
    + boards/p-l496g-cell02: add support
    - boards: Remove support for the Jiminy-Mega256RFR2
    * boards/sam0: refactor ADC_0 into plain ADC
    * boards/slwstk6000b-*: split one board for each module
    * boards/slwstk6000b: move CPU definition to Makefile.features
    + boards/stm32f723e-disco: add initial support
    * boards/stm32: introduce common timer configurations and use them where
    + boards/stm32l0538-disco: add initial support
    * pic32-wifire: add support for flashing with pic32prog

    + cpu/esp32: lwIP netdev
    * cpu/esp*: various improvements
    * cpu/kinetis: enable HWRNG for k64f
    - cpu/mips32r2_generic: remove cpu.
    * cpu: Moved stdio_init() prior to periph_init() for ARM targets
    * cpu/nrf5x: declare radio_nrfble feat for all nrfs
    + cpu/nrf5x: implement wdt peripheral driver
    + cpu/sam0_common: add hwrng driver
    * cpu/sam0_common/gpio: don't hard-code number of ports
    * cpu/sam0: update doc.txt with new MCU families
    * cpu/saml21: Make Low-Power SRAM available to programs
    + cpu/stm32_common: add watchdog for stm32
    * stm32-common/spi: allow custom pin modes on spi to minimize power
    * cpu/stm32f(2|4|7): add riotboot requirements
    * cpu/stm32l1: optimize power consumption
    * stm32l1/vendor: update vendor files to v2.3.0
    * sam0: allow flashing with JLinkExe
    + sam0: Implement watchdog driver
    * cpu/samr30: update vendor files using ASF 3.35.1
    + cpu/efm32: provide periph_uart_mode

Device Drivers
    + drivers: add mtd wrapper for periph_flashpage
    + drivers/cc110x: Complete rewrite from scratch, and detailed documentation
    * drivers/include/periph/eeprom: Changed uint8_t* to void* in API
    * drivers/periph/i2c: Updated i2c_release() to return void
    + drivers/ph_oem: support for Atlas Scientific pH OEM sensor
    + drivers: support for NXP PCA9685 I2C 16-channel, 12-bit PWM controller
    + usbus: Add CDC-ACM (Serial console) function
    * periph/timer: Fix return codes of timer API
    + can: add ncv7356 SW transceiver driver
    + drivers/lis2dh12: add I2C mode
    + drivers/periph: add doc on power management aspects
    * drivers/mrf24j40: add pseudomodules for MRF24J40MA/B/C/D/E

Build System / Tooling
    * dist/tools/pyterm: drop loglevel from output
    * make: docker: delegate bind mounts to the containers
    * Makefile.base: implement relative path linking without 'realpath'
    * Makefile.base: use thin static archives.
    * Makefile.include: add flash-only as dependency of term
    * Makefile.include: do not build HEXFILE by default anymore
    * Makefile.include: require make version 4.
    * makefiles: add support for sysfs gpio debug adapter
    * Makefiles: add support to generate both `.hex` and `.bin` file and add
      FLASHFILE variable
    * makefiles/ various improvements
    * makefiles/ change policy to run tests by default
    * make: introduce $(CLEAN)
    + murdock: introduce 'TEST_ON_CI_BLACKLIST'
    * toolchain/cflags: enable dwarf compression (save 50% HDD)
    * edbg: verify before flash
    + ci: add codespell check script for tracking typos
    + Makefile.include: add cleanterm target and use it for tests
    * arduino/sketches: build sketches as a module
    + github: use stale-bot to mark and close PRs without activity

    + tests: add distinct test app for nrfmin driver
    + tests: add Nordic SoftDevice test app
    * tests/gnrc_ndp: enhance coverage
    * tests/lua_loader: run the test in CI
    * tests/mcuboot: handle building in docker
    * tests/pkg_u8g2: run the test in CI
    * tests: provide test case for malformed IEEE 802.15.4 packets
    * tests/pthread_rwlock: run the test in CI
    * tests: re-enable utf-8 tests on native
    + tests/riotboot: add automatic test
    + tests/sys_crypto: add RFC3610 and NIST SP 800-38C tests
    * tests/test_tools: add a test for the testing tools environment
    * tools/compile_and_test_for_board: allow setting the flash targets
    * tests/gnrc_tcp: provide regression tests for fixed issues

API Changes

/* no error handling possible, so no need to return a value */
- int i2c_release(i2c_t dev)
+ void i2c_release(i2c_t dev)

/* return 0 on success, rather than 1; so like timer_init() */
int timer_set(tim_t dev, int channel, unsigned int timeout)
int timer_set_absolute(tim_t dev, int channel, unsigned int value)
int timer_clear(tim_t dev, int channel)

/* implementations already cast the argument to uint8_t* internally, so not
   a significant semantic change */
- size_t eeprom_read(uint32_t pos, uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+ size_t eeprom_read(uint32_t pos, void *data, size_t len)

- size_t eeprom_write(uint32_t pos, const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
+ size_t eeprom_write(uint32_t pos, const void *data, size_t len)

/* now returns CIPHER_ERR_INVALID_KEY_SIZE on invalid keySize */
int aes_init(cipher_context_t *context, const uint8_t *key, uint8_t keySize)

/* add setter for netif of interface header */
+ void gnrc_netif_hdr_set_netif(gnrc_netif_hdr_t *hdr, const gnrc_netif_t *netif)




As the release was finalized, rough consensus was reached on a system event
thread handler (RIOT-OS#12474) that likely will remove the interrupt handler thread
(RIOT-OS#10555) just introduced with this release.

net/coap: remove deprecated COAP_CT_... defines

Known issues

Networking related issues
        packet buffer
       assertion or completely without error
       configured prefix

Timer related issues
       _xtimer_now()  and irq_disable()

Drivers related issues
        clock cycles

Native related issues

Other platforms related issues
        on host
        (not previous)

Build system related issues

Other issues
-none-  tests/pkg_fatfs: vol_idx print overflow on large negative value
       static_asserts in the same scope

Fixed Issues from the last release (2019.07)

        echo -n
        causes Segmentation fault
        in udp.c

We would like to thank all companies that provided us with hardware for porting
and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and institutions that
directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks to all of you
contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!

More information

Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list (
* RIOT OS users list (
* RIOT commits (
* Github notifications (

* Join the RIOT IRC channel at:, #riot-os

* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
  General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.

All code files contain licensing information.


Toggle 2019.10-RC2's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request RIOT-OS#12521 from miri64/backport/2019.10/gnrc_ip…


gnrc_ipv6: fix SEGFAULT when multicasting with multiple interfaces [backport 2019.10]


Toggle 2020.01-devel's commit message
Development branch towards 2020.01 release


Toggle 2019.10-RC1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request RIOT-OS#12375 from miri64/tests/enh/rs-i137

tests: prepare for RIOT-OS/Release-Specs#137


Toggle 2019.07's commit message
RELEASE 2019.07

RIOT-2019.07 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.

RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).

RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.

About this release:

The 2019.07 release includes a number of new features including many new
boards and cpu, riotboot added to many new and old boards, USB is now available,
BLE improvements, Ethernet on stm32 platforms, as well as many bug fixes and
documentation updates.  Testing has also improved with both On-Target Testing
increasing and now Hardware Assisted Automated Tests being run.

About 300 pull requests with about 659 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 50 issues have been solved. 26 people contributed with code
in 106 days. Approximately 1377 files have been touched with 181993 insertions
and 19668 deletions.

Notations used below:
    + means new feature/item
    * means modified feature/item
    - means removed feature/item

New features and changes

System libraries
    + Add OCB encryption mode
    + sys/shell: add loramac shell command
    * Fletcher16: extend with multi-part functions
    + USBUS: Initial work towards an USB stack
    + usbus: Initial simple auto init structure
    * sys: make uart_stdio RX optional
    + sys/event: add event_wait_until()
    + sys/bluetil: add bluetil_addr_from_str()
    + usbus: Add CDC-ECM (Ethernet Control Model) function
    * usbus: simplify adding entry to list
    * sys/stdio_ethos: replace USE_ETHOS_FOR_STDIO by stdio_ethos pseudomodule

    * gnrc_ipv6_nib: add address from netif to address validation timer
    + netdev_ieee802154: add txpower and page
    + net/lorawan/hdr: add lorawan header helpers
    + ble/nimble: add support for build-in IPSS service
    * pkg/semtech-loramac: rework interaction with the MAC
    * pkg/semtech-loramac: provide basic persistence for MAC state
    * RPL: API update suggestions
    + ipv6_ext: add fragmentation extension definitions
    * net/sock_util: Accept NULL pointers in urlsplit
    + sys/net: add netopt options for lorawan
    * gnrc_tftp: Fix out-of-bounds memory access when comparing modes
    - gnrc_pktbuf: remove gnrc_pktbuf_duplicate_upto
    - gnrc_ipv6: remove obsolete and harmful reception code
    * gnrc_tftp: set port on server init
    + ble/softdevice: add ble_nordic_softdevice feature
    * net/mqttsn: fix client ID length to comply to the standard
    + gnrc_tftp: Add minimum packet length check

    * pkg/monocypher: bump version to 2.0.5
    * ble/nimble: bump version to 9d4bda2
    * openthread: update to release 20180926
    * minmea: bump version to current master
    + nanocbor: Initial support for the nanocbor package
    * pkg/lua: Make the module searchers conform to the API

    + boards/stm32l0538-disco: add initial support
    + boards/nucleo-l4r5zi: initial basic support
    + boards/particle-{xenon,argon,boron}: add initial support
    * boards/kw41z: add common configuration and use it with existing
      kw41z boards
    + added SPI support for Nucleo-F767ZI
    + boards: Add support for the Arduino-Leonardo
    * boards/nucleof7*: SPI and refactoring
    + boards/stm32: introduce and use new common rtt configuration header
    + boards/stm32l0/l4: add rtt feature
    + boards: add support for i-nucleo-lrwan1 (Arduino-like shield)
    + boards/nrf52840-mdk: added I2C config
    + boards/lsn50: add support for Dragino LSN50 LoRa Sensor Node
    * boards/stm32l0: introduce common clock configuration and apply it to
      related boards
    * boards/b-l072z-lrwan1: use STM32 common i2C configuration
    + Add usbdev feature to Sodaq boards
    + boards/pba-d-01-kw2x: add riotboot support
    + sensebox: add usbdev feature
    + boards/stm32f429i-disc1: add i2c configuration
    + boards/nucleo-l476rg: add riotboot
    + boards/same54-xpro: add riotboot support
    + boards: Add FLASHFILE support
    + boards/nucleo-l476rg: Add DMA support
    + nrf52: Add suspend/resume detection to usbdev
    + nrf5x: Add UART modecfg feature implementation
    + boards/stm32f3: add support for riotboot feature
    + boards/lobaro-lorabox: add sx1272 radio driver dependency
      to netdev_default
    + boards/stm32l4: add riotboot support
    + boards/microbit: add QEMU emulation
    + boards/frdm-kw41z-k64f: add riotboot
    * boards/sltb001a: reset before flashing

    * cpu/esp8266: added/changed helper functions
    + cpu/cc2538: Add periph_uart_mode implementation
    * saml1x: enable pm_layered by default
    + cpu/cc26x0: implement uart_mode()
    + cpu/sam0: add support for SAMD5x/SAME5x
    + sam0_common: add uart modecfg support
    + cpu/stm32f3: add support for flashpage and flashpage_raw
    * cpu/stm32l{1,4}: refactor flashpage numof macros
    * cpu/stm32: optimize stop mode for stm32f*
    * cpu/nrf5x_common: map hwrng to SoC library if SoftDevice is present

Device Drivers
    + devfs: add /dev/urandom and /dev/hwrng
    * drivers/mrf24j40 : support of NETOPT_LAST_ED_LEVEL
    + drivers/mrf24j40: add external PA/LNA control on MC/MD/ME devices
    * drivers/at86rf2xx: enable NETOPT_RX_END_IRQ and fix RSSI values
    * drivers/adt7310: Replace binary literal with hex literal
    + drivers/ds75lx: add basic driver for temperature sensor
    + drivers/include: add header definition for wdt
    + drivers/at: Add 'at_recv_bytes_until_string' function
    + sx127x: add several NETOPT for GNRC LoRaWAN
    * drivers/sx127x: fix device reset
    + drivers: stm32 eth peripheral driver
    + drivers/periph/gpio_util: add gpio_util_shiftin()

Build System / Tooling
    * makefiles/docker: export BOARDS
    + makefiles: add bootloaders to the list of applications
    * Makefile.include: allow overwriting flash-recipe
    * dist/tools/buildsystem_sanity_check: add an export variable check
    * sys/Makefile.include: include riotboot headers when
    + make: add print-versions helper target
    + make: add LOG_LEVEL to overridable variables
    * riotboot/Makefile.include: increase RIOTBOOT_HDR_LEN for ARMv7*-M
    * dist/tools/build_system_sanity_check: BUG fix errors being ignored
    * boards/common: use Makefile.features
    + make: add termdeps target
    * periph_common: add as dependency to periph drivers
    + nrf52: Add USB peripheral driver
    + makefiles/ list boards variables
    + makefiles/ target to list supported applications/boards
    + Makefile.features: add a common file for the features parsing
    + Makefile.features: add declarative FEATURES_ variables definition
    + makefiles/utils/variables: add functions to help managing variables
    * Migrate all boards to define FLASHFILE
    * tools/ try to probe the board for real flash address

    * tests/periph_flashpage: add RWWEE automatic test if hw supports it
    * tests/pthread_tls: allow negative key values
    * tests/gnrc_udp: include `gnrc_pktbuf_cmd` per default
    + tests/periph_hwrng: add automated python test
    * tests/periph_timer: include kw41z boards in low-power timer boards
    * tests/pkg_c25519: increase timeout for arduino-mega2560
    + tests/xtimer_usleep: fail with negative offsets
    + unittests: add tsrb tests
    + tests/stdin: add non regression test for stdin module
    + tests/xtimer_mutex_lock_timeout: add simple case test
    + Add NimBLE heart rate sensor example (GATT notifications)
    * tests/driver_rn2xx3: fix invalid element index for txmode
    * tests/pkg_semtech-loramac: don't init the mac from main
    * tests/devfs: move tests-devfs out of unittests
    + examples/lorawan: fix semtech_loramac_send TX ret code
    * tests/unittests: split remaining packages tests to different test

API Changes
- uart_stdio RX is now optional
- CPU_MODEL declared in boards/Makefile.features

- void isrpipe_init(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, char *buf, size_t bufsize);
+ void isrpipe_init(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, uint8_t *buf, size_t bufsize);

- int isrpipe_write_one(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, char c);
+ int isrpipe_write_one(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, uint8_t c);

- int isrpipe_read(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, char *buf, size_t count);
+ int isrpipe_read(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, uint8_t *buf, size_t count);

- int isrpipe_read_timeout(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, char *buf, size_t count,\
                           int32_t timeout);
+ int isrpipe_read_timeout(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, uint8_t *buf, size_t count,\
                           uint32_t timeout);

- int isrpipe_read_all_timeout(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, char *buf, size_t count,\
                               uint32_t timeout);
+ int isrpipe_read_all_timeout(isrpipe_t *isrpipe, uint8_t *buf, size_t count,\
                               uint32_t timeout);

typedef struct tsrb {
-    char *buf;                  /**< Buffer to operate on. */
+    uint8_t *buf;               /**< Buffer to operate on. */
} tsrb_t

- int tsrb_get(tsrb_t *rb, char *dst, size_t n);
+ int tsrb_get(tsrb_t *rb, uint8_t *dst, size_t n);

- int tsrb_add_one(tsrb_t *rb, char c);
+ int tsrb_add_one(tsrb_t *rb, uint8_t c);

- int tsrb_add(tsrb_t *rb, const char *src, size_t n);
+ int tsrb_add(tsrb_t *rb, const uint8_t *src, size_t n);

typedef struct {
-   uint16_t (*calc_rank)(gnrc_rpl_parent_t *parent, uint16_t base_rank);
-   gnrc_rpl_parent_t *(*which_parent)(gnrc_rpl_parent_t *, gnrc_rpl_parent_t *);
+  uint16_t (*calc_rank)(gnrc_rpl_dodag_t *dodag, uint16_t base_rank);

-   void (*reset)(gnrc_rpl_dodag_t *);    /**< resets the OF */
+  void (*reset)(gnrc_rpl_dodag_t *dodag);
-   void (*init)(void);  /**< OF specific init function */
+  void (*init)(gnrc_rpl_dodag_t *dodag);
} gnrc_rpl_of_t;

- thread_state_t
+ thread_status_t

- void sched_set_status(thread_t *process, thread_state_t status);
+ void sched_set_status(thread_t *process, thread_status_t status);

struct _thread {
-   thread_state_t status;
+  thread_status_t status;

- bool mrf24j40_cca(mrf24j40_t *dev);
+ bool mrf24j40_cca(mrf24j40_t *dev, int8_t *rssi);


`gnrc_tftp` module
`ubjson` module

`gcoap_req_send()` replaced with `gcoap_req_send2()->gcoap_req_send2()`

Known issues

Networking related issues
       assertion or completely without error
       configured prefix

Timer related issues
       _xtimer_now()  and irq_disable()

Drivers related issues
        clock cycles

Native related issues

Other platforms related issues
        (not previous)

Build system related issues
* buildtest with BUILD_IN_DOCKER hides host toolchain errors

Other issues
        in udp.c
       static_asserts in the same scope

Fixed Issues from the last release (2019.04)

        and no error

We would like to thank all companies that provided us with hardware for porting
and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and institutions that
directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks to all of you
contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!
A special thanks to @fjmolinas, @leandrolanzieri, @cladmi, @jia200x, @miri64
for helping run the release tests

More information

Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list (
* RIOT OS users list (
* RIOT commits (
* Github notifications (

* Join the RIOT IRC channel at:, #riot-os

* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
  General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.

All code files contain licensing information.


Toggle 2019.07-RC3's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request RIOT-OS#11873 from fjmolinas/backport/2019.07/pr_l…


 examples/lorawan: fix semtech_loramac_send TX ret code [backport 2019.07]


Toggle 2019.07-RC2's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request RIOT-OS#11858 from cladmi/backport/2019.07/pr/test…


tests/devfs: move tests-devfs out of unittests [backport 2019.07]


Toggle 2019.10-devel's commit message
Development branch towards 2019.10 release


Toggle 2019.07-RC1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request RIOT-OS#8939 from aabadie/pr/boards/nucleo-l4r5zi

boards/nucleo-l4r5zi: initial basic support


Toggle 2019.04's commit message
RELEASE 2019.04

RIOT-2019.04 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.

RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).

RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.

About this release:

The 2019.04 release includes a number of new features including porting of
riotboot to a number of new platforms, 802.15.4 support on the nRF52, and the
ability for firmware to flash images into a separate boot slot. Support for
several new boards and new sensors was added. Additionally, this release
contains a number of bug fixes and test improvements.

About 320 pull requests with about 569 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 40 issues have been solved. 44 people contributed with code
in 88 days. Approximately 825 files have been touched with 32716 insertions
and 5149 deletions.

Notations used below:
    + means new feature/item
    * means modified feature/item
    - means removed feature/item

New features and changes

System libraries
    + riotboot_flashwrite: added module to reliably write a firmware image to
    + crypto: added support for chacha20poly1305 AEAD symmetric key cypher
    * threads: added usage of thread_state_t enum to define thread states,
      instead of an integer
    * random: added usage of hwrng as seed if available
    + app_metadata: added module to print application metadata
    + unaligned.h: added functions to safely read values from potentially
      unaligned pointers
    + isrpipe: split isrpipe_read_timeout to isolate xtimer dependency

    * gnrc_ipv6: adapted ping6 to original-ping-like implementation
    * gnrc_ipv6: allowed sending empty IPv6 packets
    + gnrc_netif_ieee802154: optional support to drop duplicate broadcast
    - gnrc_pktbuf: removed deprecated gnrc_pktbuf_get_iovec() function
    + l2util: initial import of a general IPv6 over X helper module
    + NimBLE: added Bluetooth device scanner
    + NimBLE: added helper functions for address printing
    * NimBLE: updated package to the latest version

    + c25519: add support (embedded x25519 crypto library)

    + Arduino nano: added support
    + nrf52832-mdk: added support
    + PhyTec reel board: added support
    + MicroPython pyboard v1.1: added support
    + Hamilton: added support
    + saml10-xpro and saml11-xpro: added riotboot support
    + nrf52: added riotboot support
    + ESP32 and stm32: added command to allow runtime configuration of uart mode
    + ESP32 and ESP8266: add support for ESP-NOW network device driver
    * ESP8266: freed up RAM by moving most .rodata sections from DRAM to IROM
    + Arduino: added test to verify pin mappings
    + b-l072z-lrwan1: enabled RTT feature
    + STM32l0: added support for dual bank flashing with OpenOCD
    * Autonomo: changed flasher to BOSSA
    * stm32: rework common clock configuration for stm32f4
    * stm32f3discovery: Fix no external low speed crystal

    + stm32l0: added riotboot support
    + stm32f0: added support for periph_pm
    + stm32f3, f7, l1 and l4: added stop and standby low power modes. All
      STM32 families now provide periph_pm
    + samd21: enabled idle modes
    + sam0: added support for RWWEE on-chip memory
    + Kinetis: added support for EA series and S9KEAZ129 MCU
    + TI CC2650: added I2C periph implementation

Device Drivers
    + i2c: added slave scan shell command
    + USB: added device driver initialization function and API definition
    + USB: added peripheral driver for sam0_common
    + nrf5x temperature sensor: added driver
    + nrf52: added initial 802.15.4 support
    + add7746 capacitance sensor: added driver
    + ds323x extremely accurate RTC: added driver
    + ltc4150 coulomb counter: added driver
    + sht2x temperature and humidity sensor: added driver
    + sds011 dust sensor: added driver
    + added high level driver for H bridge ICs to drive DC motors
    * lpsxxx pressure and temperature sensor: add support for lps22hb and

Build System / Tooling
    + nrf52: added support for openocd
    * improved avrdude integration
    + added support for socat as a RIOT terminal
    + added script for backporting PRs during release testing
    * pyterm: specified use of python3 by default
    * flasher: support for flashing images at offset addresses `pyocd`, `jlink`
    * Texas Instruments UniFlash: put configuration in common
    * makefiles: introduce FLASHFILE
      * Use FLASHFILE for `riotboot` and `mcuboot`
      * Update flashers `avrdude`, `edbg`, `jlink`, lpc2k_pgm`, `openocd`
    * makefiles/ Use directories in RIOT when possible
    * make: unexport `TERM*` variables
    * msba2: compile 'lpc2k_pgm' when flashing

    + documentation: added initial guide to running tests
    + Makefile.include: add a 'test/available' target
    * testrunner: Fix bug matching local echo
    * tests/rng: replace printf_float with fmt/print_float
    * tests/bloom_bytes: replace %f with fmt/print_float
    * tests/posix_semaphore: sem_timedwait should not return before abstime

Known issues

Networking related issues
       assertion or completely without error
       configured prefix

Timer related issues
       _xtimer_now()  and irq_disable()

Drivers related issues

Native related issues

Other platform related issues
        clock cycles
        and no error
        (not previous)

Build system related issues

Other issues
       static_asserts in the same scope

Fixed Issues from the last release (2019.01)

You can get the complete detail in the git history and in the release milestone
[Release 2019.04](

We would like to thank all companies (vendors) that provided us with (their)
hardware for porting and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and
institutions that directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks
to all of you contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!

More information

Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list (
* RIOT OS users list (
* RIOT commits (
* Github notifications (

* Join the RIOT IRC channel at:, #riot-os

* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
  General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.

All code files contain licensing information.