The main goal of this library is simplifying the usage of RabbitMQ dotnet client.
To receive a message you will need a Mailbox
, mailboxes take IMailboxOptions
as parameter, and there are helpful implementations of IMailboxOptions
like DirectMailboxOptions
which has default Exchange name "" and preset ExchangeType = "direct".
When you create a Mailbox
you can specify the ConsumerOptions
allowing you to configure exchange, queue, and binding features.
dotnet add package EzRabbitMQ
// your service provider
- .Net 5 / .Net Core 6
- RabbitMQ Client version allowed from [6.2.2,]
For direct message type the routing key of a message must match the routing key binding to a queue.
Here is an example of a mailbox of exchange type direct receiving message of type DataSample
, and a
producer sending a exchange type direct to the mailbox.
The event OnMessageReceived
will be raised:
record DataSample(string Text);
IProducerService producerService; // use injection to get a IProducerService
IMailboxService mailboxService; // use injection to get a IMailboxService
using var mailbox = mailboxService.Direct<DataSample>("ROUTING KEY", "MAILBOX NAME");
mailbox.OnMessageReceived += (sender, data) => {
// data is IMessage<DataSample>
Console.WriteLine($"data received: {data.Text}");
producerService.DirectSend("ROUTING KEY", new DataSample("Example"));
Topic message routing key must follow some rules:
It must be words separated using .
(dot) and contains at least a #
(hash) can replace one or more values or a *
(star) can replace one value.
using var mailbox = mailboxService.Topic<DataSample>("root.#", "ALL_UNDER_ROOT", new ConsumerOptions());
producerService.TopicSend("ROUTING KEY", new DataSample("Example"));
Fanout exchange type doesnt need routing key, all message are like broadcast to the exchange.
using var mailbox = mailboxService.Fanout<DataSample>("FANOUT_LISTENER", new ConsumerOptions());
producerService.FanoutSend(new DataSample("Example"));
Exchange type headers mailbox takes a XMatch parameter to configure if all headers must match or if any header that match will be received.
Dictionary<string, string> headers = new()
{ "type", "jpg" },
{ "format", "chart" }
using var mailbox = mailboxService.Headers<DataSample>(headers, XMatch.any, "JPG_RECEIVER", new ConsumerOptions());
producerService.HeadersSend(new Dictionary<string, string>(){
{"type": "jpg"}
}, new DataSample("Example"));
You can implement a RpcServer
that will receive IRpcRequest
from a RpcClient
// your implementation or RpcServerBase
public record RpcIncrementRequest(int CurrentValue);
public record RpcIncrementResponse(int NewValue);
public class IncrementRpcServer: RpcServerBase,
IRpcServerHandleAsync<RpcIncrementResponse, RpcIncrementRequest>
public IncrementRpcServer(ILogger<IncrementRpcServer> logger, IMailboxOptions options, ISessionService session, IProducerService producerService, ConsumerOptions consumerOptions)
: base(logger, options, session, producerService, consumerOptions)
public Task<RpcIncrementResponse> HandleAsync(RpcIncrementRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Logger.LogInformation("rpc received");
return Task.FromResult(new RpcIncrementResponse(request.CurrentValue +1));
using var rpcServer = _mailboxService.RpcServer<IncrementRpcServer>();
using var rpcClient = _mailboxService.RpcClient();
// CallAsync will return a task that will be completed when the response is received
var response = _rpcClient.Call<RpcIncrementResponse>(new RpcIncrementRequest(1));
// response.NewValue = 2
You can implement your own mailbox version, you will be able to implement multiple message handle to receive multiple message within the same context.
record WiseChildGiftRequest(string Name);
record NotWiseChildGiftRequest(string Name);
public class SantaMailbox : MailboxBase,
IMailboxHandler<WiseChildGiftRequest>, // sync handle
IMailboxHandlerAsync<NotWiseChildGiftRequest> // async handle
private readonly ILogger<TodoMailbox> _logger;
public SantaMailbox(ILogger<TodoMailbox> logger, IMailboxOptions options, ISessionService session, ConsumerOptions consumerOptions) : base(logger, options, session, consumerOptions) { }
public void OnMessageHandle(IMessage<WiseChildGiftRequest> message)
_logger.LogInformation("Received request from wise child");
public Task OnMessageHandleAsync(IMessage<NotWiseChildGiftRequest> message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("Received request from not wise child");
return Task.CompletedTask;
// create instance of your mailbox
var santaMailbox = mailboxService.Create<SantaMailbox>("SANTA", "SANTA_MAILBOX", consumerOptions);
// send message to SANTA_MAILBOX
producerService.DirectSend("SANTA", new DataSample("Example"));
Provides validation on routing key rules depending on exchange type you are using.
Custom telemetry is wired inside publish / receive event to allow you to trace events and profile,
All client/server are using a polly retry policy to avoid data loose on network issues or a server restart.
Consumer options allow you to toggle on/off lot of rabbitMQ build-in features like autoAck, QueueSizeLimit, and more.
You can configure several options using the configure
callback in the startup.
You can override and change the serializer / deserializer.
// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
config.ConfigureSerialization(data => \* returns bytes array*\,
(bytes, type) => \* returns object from bytes array*\);
By setting a valid InstrumentationKey you will enable appInsight metrics and tracing.
// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
var ik = context.Configuration["ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey"];
if (ik is not null) config.ConfigureInstrumentationKey(ik);
You can override the retry policy.
// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
.WaitAndRetryAsync(5, retryAttempt =>
TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt))
You can override the retry policy of RPC calls using :
// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
config.ConfigureRpcPollyPolicy(Policy.HandleResult<object>(d => d is null)
.WaitAndRetryAsync(1, i => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, i))));
You can modify the current connectionFactory or you can create a connection and
// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
config.ConfigureConnection(c =>
c.Uri = new Uri("rabbitmq-server:15672");
return c;
// or you can create a new connection factory
config.ConfigureConnection(_ => new ConnectionFactory());
This options can add rabbitMQ arguments to enable / disable features.
ConsumerOptions default values:
You can switch between async and sync dispatcher using the configuration :
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
config.IsAsyncDispatcher = true;
You can enable retry on consumer exception by using the consumerOptions object :
var options = new ConsumerOptions
AutoAck = false, // AutoAck must be false to use RetryCount
RetryCount = 3, // After 3 retry exception in the message will be reject,
To create a durable queue persistant after server restart :
var options = new ConsumerOptions
QueueDurable = true, // set durable feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)
QueueAutoDelete = false. // set auto delete feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)
To create a durable exchange persistant after server restart :
var options = new ConsumerOptions
ExchangeDurable = true, // set durable feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)
ExchangeAutoDelete = false. // set auto delete feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)
To allow only one consumer you can enable the Exclusive feature of the queue :
var options = new ConsumerOptions
QueueExclusive = true, // set exclusive feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)
To set the prefetch message count limit :
var options = new ConsumerOptions
PrefetchCount = 10, // set the prefetch amount of message read by this consumer
PrefetchGlobal = false // channel global or by consumer limit
By setting the exchange recreation mode you can recreate exchange and queue if a breaking change is detected, like if you want to enable a new feature.
var options = new ConsumerOptions
QueueRecreateMode = RecreateMode.RecreateIfBreakingChangeDetected | RecreateMode.RecreateIfEmpty,
ExchangeRecreateMode = RecreateMode.RecreateIfBreakingChangeDetected
If you implement constructor using ILogger
, you must provide an Type for the ILogger.
Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger' while attempting to activate 'EzRabbitMQ.Tests.CustomMailbox'.
public class CustomMailbox : MailboxBase
public CustomMailbox(
ILogger<CustomMailbox> logger,
IMailboxOptions options,
ISessionService session,
ConsumerOptions consumerOptions)
: base(logger, options, session, consumerOptions)
All contributions are welcome.