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Easy to use RabbitMq library to send and receive messages.


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EzRabbitMQ - Easy to use rabbitMQ .Net wrapper

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The main goal of this library is simplifying the usage of RabbitMQ dotnet client.

To receive a message you will need a Mailbox, mailboxes take IMailboxOptions as parameter, and there are helpful implementations of IMailboxOptions, like DirectMailboxOptions which has default Exchange name "" and preset ExchangeType = "direct".

When you create a Mailbox you can specify the ConsumerOptions allowing you to configure exchange, queue, and binding features.

Get Started:



dotnet add package EzRabbitMQ

Register services EzRabbitMQ services :

// your service provider


  • .Net 5 / .Net Core 6,7,8
  • RabbitMQ Client version allowed from [6.4.0,]


Create and receive direct exchange type messages

For direct message type the routing key of a message must match the routing key binding to a queue.

Here is an example of a mailbox of exchange type direct receiving message of type DataSample, and a producer sending a exchange type direct to the mailbox.

The event OnMessageReceived will be raised:

record DataSample(string Text);

IProducerService producerService; // use injection to get a IProducerService
IMailboxService mailboxService; // use injection to get a IMailboxService

using var mailbox = mailboxService.Direct<DataSample>("ROUTING KEY", "MAILBOX NAME");

mailbox.OnMessageReceived += (sender, data) => {
    // data is IMessage<DataSample>
    Console.WriteLine($"data received: {data.Text}");

producerService.DirectSend("ROUTING KEY", new DataSample("Example"));

Create and receive topic exchange type message

Topic message routing key must follow some rules:

It must be words separated using .(dot) and contains at least a #(hash) can replace one or more values or a *(star) can replace one value.

using var mailbox = mailboxService.Topic<DataSample>("root.#", "ALL_UNDER_ROOT", new ConsumerOptions());

producerService.TopicSend("ROUTING KEY", new DataSample("Example"));

Create and receive fanout exchange type message

Fanout exchange type doesnt need routing key, all message are like broadcast to the exchange.

using var mailbox = mailboxService.Fanout<DataSample>("FANOUT_LISTENER", new ConsumerOptions());

producerService.FanoutSend(new DataSample("Example"));

Create and receive headers exchange type Message

Exchange type headers mailbox takes a XMatch parameter to configure if all headers must match or if any header that match will be received.

Dictionary<string, string> headers = new()
    { "type", "jpg" },
    { "format", "chart" }
using var mailbox = mailboxService.Headers<DataSample>(headers, XMatch.any, "JPG_RECEIVER", new ConsumerOptions());

producerService.HeadersSend(new Dictionary<string, string>(){
    {"type": "jpg"}
}, new DataSample("Example"));

Create RPC client and server and send message

You can implement a RpcServer that will receive IRpcRequest from a RpcClient.

// your implementation or RpcServerBase
public record RpcIncrementRequest(int CurrentValue);
public record RpcIncrementResponse(int NewValue);

public class IncrementRpcServer: RpcServerBase, 
    IRpcServerHandleAsync<RpcIncrementResponse, RpcIncrementRequest>
    public IncrementRpcServer(ILogger<IncrementRpcServer> logger, IMailboxOptions options, ISessionService session, IProducerService producerService, ConsumerOptions consumerOptions) 
    : base(logger, options, session, producerService, consumerOptions)

    public Task<RpcIncrementResponse> HandleAsync(RpcIncrementRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Logger.LogInformation("rpc received");
        return Task.FromResult(new RpcIncrementResponse(request.CurrentValue +1));

using var rpcServer = _mailboxService.RpcServer<IncrementRpcServer>();

using var rpcClient = _mailboxService.RpcClient();

// CallAsync will return a task that will be completed when the response is received
var response = _rpcClient.Call<RpcIncrementResponse>(new RpcIncrementRequest(1));
// response.NewValue = 2

Create and receive multiple messages

You can implement your own mailbox version, you will be able to implement multiple message handle to receive multiple message within the same context.

record WiseChildGiftRequest(string Name);
record NotWiseChildGiftRequest(string Name);

public class SantaMailbox : MailboxBase,
    IMailboxHandler<WiseChildGiftRequest>, // sync handle
    IMailboxHandlerAsync<NotWiseChildGiftRequest> // async handle
    private readonly ILogger<TodoMailbox> _logger;

    public SantaMailbox(ILogger<TodoMailbox> logger, IMailboxOptions options, ISessionService session, ConsumerOptions consumerOptions) : base(logger, options, session, consumerOptions) { }

    public void OnMessageHandle(IMessage<WiseChildGiftRequest> message)
        _logger.LogInformation("Received request from wise child");

    public Task OnMessageHandleAsync(IMessage<NotWiseChildGiftRequest> message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        _logger.LogInformation("Received request from not wise child");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

// create instance of your mailbox
var santaMailbox = mailboxService.Create<SantaMailbox>("SANTA", "SANTA_MAILBOX", consumerOptions);

// send message to SANTA_MAILBOX
producerService.DirectSend("SANTA", new DataSample("Example"));

Features :

Options validation

Provides validation on routing key rules depending on exchange type you are using.

App Insight metrics

Custom telemetry is wired inside publish / receive event to allow you to trace events and profile,

Fail safe server requests with retry policy

All client/server are using a polly retry policy to avoid data loose on network issues or a server restart.

Consumer features

Consumer options allow you to toggle on/off lot of rabbitMQ build-in features like autoAck, QueueSizeLimit, and more.

Configuration Options

You can configure several options using the configure callback in the startup.

Override Serializer/Deserializer

You can override and change the serializer / deserializer.

// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
    config.ConfigureSerialization(data => \* returns bytes array*\, 
        (bytes, type) => \* returns object from bytes array*\);

Set AppInsight InstrumentationKey

By setting a valid InstrumentationKey you will enable appInsight metrics and tracing.

// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
     var ik = context.Configuration["ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey"];
    if (ik is not null) config.ConfigureInstrumentationKey(ik);

Polly retry policy

You can override the retry policy.

// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
        .WaitAndRetryAsync(5, retryAttempt =>
            TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt))

RPC Polly retry policy

You can override the retry policy of RPC calls using :

// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
    config.ConfigureRpcPollyPolicy(Policy.HandleResult<object>(d => d is null)
                            .WaitAndRetryAsync(1, i => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, i))));

RabbitMQ Connection

You can modify the current connectionFactory or you can create a connection and

// your service provider
services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
    config.ConfigureConnection(c =>
        c.Uri = new Uri("rabbitmq-server:15672");
        return c;

    // or you can create a new connection factory

    config.ConfigureConnection(_ => new ConnectionFactory());


This options can add rabbitMQ arguments to enable / disable features.

ConsumerOptions default values:

Async Dispatcher:

You can switch between async and sync dispatcher using the configuration :

services.AddEzRabbitMQ(config =>
    config.IsAsyncDispatcher = true;


You can enable retry on consumer exception by using the consumerOptions object :

var options = new ConsumerOptions
    AutoAck = false, // AutoAck must be false to use RetryCount
    RetryCount = 3, // After 3 retry exception in the message will be reject,

Durable Queue :

To create a durable queue persistant after server restart :

var options = new ConsumerOptions
    QueueDurable = true, // set durable feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)
    QueueAutoDelete = false. // set auto delete feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)

Durable Exchange :

To create a durable exchange persistant after server restart :

var options = new ConsumerOptions
    ExchangeDurable = true, // set durable feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)
    ExchangeAutoDelete = false. // set auto delete feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)

Exclusive Queue

To allow only one consumer you can enable the Exclusive feature of the queue :

var options = new ConsumerOptions
    QueueExclusive  = true, // set exclusive feature on queue (need queue recreation if changed)


To set the prefetch message count limit :

var options = new ConsumerOptions
    PrefetchCount = 10, // set the prefetch amount of message read by this consumer
    PrefetchGlobal = false // channel global or by consumer limit

Exchange and Queue recreation mode

By setting the exchange recreation mode you can recreate exchange and queue if a breaking change is detected, like if you want to enable a new feature.

var options = new ConsumerOptions
    QueueRecreateMode = RecreateMode.RecreateIfBreakingChangeDetected | RecreateMode.RecreateIfEmpty,
    ExchangeRecreateMode = RecreateMode.RecreateIfBreakingChangeDetected


If you implement constructor using ILogger, you must provide an Type for the ILogger.

Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger' while attempting to activate 'EzRabbitMQ.Tests.CustomMailbox'.


public class CustomMailbox : MailboxBase
    public CustomMailbox(
        ILogger<CustomMailbox> logger, 
        IMailboxOptions options, 
        ISessionService session, 
        ConsumerOptions consumerOptions) 
        : base(logger, options, session, consumerOptions)


Open source licence Apache2

Contribution guide

All contributions are welcome.


Easy to use RabbitMq library to send and receive messages.



Apache-2.0, Apache-2.0 licenses found

Licenses found


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