Use ROS2 and Gazebo to simulate 2 UR5 assembling objects.
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS2 humble
- Gazebo classic
- Moveit2
- ros2 control
- image pipline
make sure you have all the dependences installed
make sure you have local gazebo model in ~/.gazebo/models
- 调用moveit控制的那个launch文件也需要单独加载kinematics等参数(robot_description之类的倒是不用,好奇怪)
- xml文件的注释中不要含有冒号:
- 记得区分${xxx}和$(arg xxx)
- 仿真需要设置
,而且目前来看最好在launch文件里面来设置 - 因为固定link的tf没有被发布出来导致深度相机返回的数据有问题
- Gazebo grasp plugin for ROS2 gazebo_pkgs
- ros2_robotiq_gripper
- Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description
- Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver