The artifacts in this organization are part of the following academic publication:
Gianluca Scopelliti, Sepideh Pouyanrad, Job Noorman, Fritz Alder, Christoph Baumann, Frank Piessens, and Jan Tobias Mühlberg. 2023. End-to-End Security for Distributed Event-driven Enclave Applications on Heterogeneous TEEs. ACM Trans. Priv. Secur. 26, 3, Article 39 (August 2023), 46 pages.
As of 2024, we do not actively maintain this code base anymore. If you want to reproduce our research or are interested in running it locally, have a look at our examples to get started. To understand the actual commands to run, check out the workflows.
We are happy to discuss issues and merge PRs but will not be able to actively fix issues when they arise. For urgent matters, please contact Gianluca Scopelliti.