Utility rust libraries for my thesis work
Rust library that contains functions for authenticated encryption. Supports: AES, SPONGENT.
See library documentation for more details.
Rust library for network communications.
It handles the communication between:
- an Event Manager and its Software Modules
- the Deployer and an Event Manager
- two Event Managers
Rust library that wraps around rust-sgx-remote-attestation
It has optional features for the enclave, SP (challenger), and client (AESM client).
Simplest message that can be exchanged.
See functions read_message
and write_message
The format is: <payload_size><payload>
- Payload size is 16 bits
Result of a operation (like a entrypoint call).
See functions read_result
and write_result
The format is: <code><payload_size><payload>
- Code size is 8 bits (it can be intended as the return value)
- Payload size is 16 bits
This data is mapped into a ResultMessage
Command sent to an Event Manager.
See functions read_command
and write_command
The format is: <cmd_id><payload_size><payload>
- Command id is 16 bits
- Payload size is 16 bits